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Status Updates posted by Gigapoodle

  1. Mako is a bag of dicks

    I am so mad at him

    but the rest of it was so badass


    and whaaaat

    you twat how far are you?? I thought you didn't have anything!

  2. also that Fuck Buttons song is delicious man

  3. idk if you'd even call yourself a Brony but I figured you would appreciate it, for some reason I find it so hilarious :LOL:


    also the new episode of Korra i'm just WHYYYYYY



  4. actually the greatest video I have ever seen
  5. why are ya listenin to everything I like right now :LOL:

  6. The first time I listen to the album I'll probably just laugh

    and laugh

    and then the album will end I won't be able to breathe

    I'm liking it waaaay more than The Resistance already and it's so painfully Muse-y that I'm just god

    muse man


  7. THE NEW MUSE TRAILER oh my god I am just that is the best thing ever



    you're a poo head

  9. ooooh. was her name btw


    DAMN YOU baaaaah :(

  10. Well every time you talk about irl friends they always happen to be girls! I am jus sayin.


    Oh yeah also get Pokemon back.

  11. How do you have so many friends that are girls man :LOL:


    I have like 2 friends irl that are guys

  12. I tried it on my laptop once. My laptop was too low-tech to be able to run it properly or smthn and I never bothered for it on my PC. God I wish I could see that one


    also my friend and her brother are gonna have an all day Avatar marathon and I'm in :awesome:

  13. you've played it before right?

  14. have fun pissing your pants from fright


    or at least that's what I would do muahaha

  15. Well I mean yeah duh I totally wanted the experience too. I really wasn't some little dweeb who just wanted to be kewl and populars and hip. But I DID feel like a little dweeb not having tried it and I had some weird compulsion to change that. I am so glad that I'm (for the most part) over that I-wanna-be-da-coolest-bitch-and-everyone-should-like-me stage of my life. How horrid's that. :LOL:

  16. Also I loved that song! Took a minute or two for me to start liking it but then it was really good man. :happy:


    the taste was that bad then eh? I guess it's '''''acquired''''', if that's possible for weed. Might be good for your artsy brain from time to time though. I've never tried that shit. I really wanted to like 6 months ago so I could be ~cool~ and ~out there~ and all that but then I realized, I really don't care that much :LOL:

  17. your icon thing still surprises/makes me laugh btw :chuckle:


    WAIT WAIT WHAT CHRIS IS BECOMING A DRUGGIE was it awesome, or horrible, or?? tell me mooore *listens to song*

  18. I knoooow! It was fantastic! but omg the bloodbending and the flashback and everything is sad again :c


    I'm awesome! Officially out of school, just came back from a party, been having a ball really :happy: how's you?

  19. thisislatebecauseigotbusy but OH MY GOD YES ALL OF MY HEART HURTS ;____;


    and oh my god I just finished it and everything is weird and the world is weird and jesus

  21. have I ever told you you're awesome

    cause you kinda of are


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