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Posts posted by HenryW7

  1. Well I had all the other albums before The Resistance, loved Muse on that basis before joining the board, and I really liked the Resistance when it first came out but I didn't realise it was my favourite (I have difficulty deciding a favourite) which now I think it is, well at this time, anyway.


    On joining the board I remember my favourite song at the time was Space Dementia so I'm, not coming from hearing The Resistance first and then going back to listen to their previous albums.


    I have also increased my love for Uprising and USoE as time has gone on, and I've always loved IBTY and Exogenesis and Resistance and Unnatural Selection. I don't know, the whole album just works on a lot of levels for me.:) I even don't mind Guiding Light though I would never list it as a favourite.:)


    before the resistance came out absolution was my favourite, then it changed to TR and now is back to absolution.

  2. Who cares for the life we've earned?

    Someone's sold all the truth you've yearned,

    Remember when we used to shine

    And had no fear or sense of time

    When it creeps up on you


    You can't cry now there's nothing to feel

    No one's noticed our loneliness

    Remember when you used to tease

    And made us scream eternal joy


    I believed that you'll always be here

    'Cause once you promised a life with no fear

    Please don't break my ideals

    And say what's fake was always real


    Hope was the one now im gone

    Take me back again.






  3. The Resistance is the most exciting album from Muse. :)


    for ages the resistance was my favourite album, then I realised that Absolution and OoS were superior. Now it is my least favourite.


    I really like Exogenesis, MK Ultra and Undisclosed Desires


    I like Uprising (but only with the riff outro)


    Unnatural Selection is OK


    and I really don't like resistance, I belong to you and united states of Eurasia any more


    and I hate guiding light

  4. Sheesh, you always have to bring SS into things, don't you? I don't think it (And definitely not Dead Star, either, for that matter) can be classified as 'beautiful'. And as much as I love it, FAWY is piss-boring compared to Shine Acoustic IMO :indiff:




    :wtf: What is exactly is cheesy to you, if you think Shine Acoustic is exactly that?




    :facepalm: Dead Star isn't comparable to Shine Acoustic because it is not technically what you would call a 'love song'. It's more like a hate song. And if Shine Acoustic isn't beautiful, then Falling Away With you certainly isn't, either. :erm:




    are you the member Citizen Erased with a new name, cos if you are then I know you like shine a lot and there is no point arguing, Cos I really don't like shine acoustic, it was a b-side for a reason. and is more cheesy then endlessly imo. and really not that beautiful at all. I simply named the love songs off the top of my head which I like a lot. But point taken about dead star being a hate song. But it is ultimately driven by love.

  5. :LOL: you really don't like that song do you?


    They'll never drop it, it's going to be like plug in baby.


    your right, the uber untouchables that will never be dropped are and always there will be:


    Plug In Baby


    Supermassive Black Hole


    Knights of Cydonia



    then the slightly less untouchables are:


    New Born

    Feeling Good

    Time is Running Out

    Stockholm Syndrome

    United States of Eurasia

    Undisclosed Desires

    Unnatural Selection


    and then the ones which I think will vanish next tour:


    Map of the Problematique (like how B&H left)

    MK Ultra

    Guiding Light

    Resistance (like invincible)


    I Belong to you


    and then the ones which will come back for the stadiums:



    Take a Bow / MotP





    and then the ones for Japan :


    Dead Star

    Space Dementia



  6. I would love Muse played through Absolution completely. Even Intro. :p

    Or OoS. Either album would be awesome, but I think the reason this is a controversial opinion is because they wouldn't play and BH&R songs (though I think people wouldn't mind the lack of Resistance too much).


    I would love to have all of OoS + Absolution like this: (with some showbiz)


    Dead Star

    New Born


    Sing for Absolution


    Muscle Museum

    Dark Shines

    Citizen Erased

    Space Dementia

    Ruled By Secrecy



    Feeling Good

    Screenager (piano)

    Butterflies and Hurricanes

    Hyper Music


    Time is Running Out

    Plug In Baby

    Bliss (ext.)


    Falling away with you (acoustic)


    Micro Cuts

    Showbiz + ashamed outro


    Intro + Apocalypse Please


    The Small Print

    Stockholm Syndrome + riffs


    But no TOADA!!

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