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Posts posted by HenryW7

  1. Cave


    New Born x2

    Bliss x2

    Space Dementia

    Hyper Music

    Plug in Baby x3

    Citizen Erased x2

    Micro Cuts


    Dark Shines

    Feeling Good x3



    Time is running Out x3

    Stockholm Syndrome x3

    Hysteria x3

    Ruled By Secrecy


    Take a Bow

    Starlight x3

    Supermassive Black Hole x3

    Map of the Problematique x2

    Knights of Cydonia x3


    Uprising x3

    Resistance x3

    Undisclosed Desires x3

    United States of Euarasia x2

    Guiding Light

    Unnatural Selection x2

    MK Ultra

    Exogenesis Part 1: Overture


    Helsinki Jam

    MK Jam

    Man with a harmonica x3


    Stadium intro/we are the universe x2

    What's he building?


  2. I'm definitely interested to see what sticks around for the next tour, I know Uprising will, and at least two of Undisclosed Desires, Resistance, United States of Eurasia and Unnatural Selection. The rest are probably gone forever after Australia unless they do some one off gigs next year.


    Does anyone else find it weird that Invincible hasn't appeared even once on this tour? It just seems odd to be at every gig on one tour and just gone completely the next.


    I find it odd, but I don't really mind because if it was in a gig with guiding light as well then it would be too much for me...

  3. USoE will almost certainly be dropped I think


    I actually think it will stay, 4 songs always remain out the staples.

    from the absolution tour to BH&R tour SfA went and SS, TiRO, Hysteria and B&H remained. From the BH&R tour to the resistance tour Invincible went and MotP, Starlight, KoC, SMBH all stayed.


    So I think that MK Ultra will go like assassin and the Small Print


    Overture will go like blackout or city of delusion


    Guiding Light will go like SfA or Invincible


    Uprising will def. stay as will resistance and Undisclosed desires. For the fourth song I think that USoE is more likely than Unnatural Selection as US has already been dropped from the staples in the US. USoE has been played on every single date of the Resistabce tour

  4. If the next album is as bad as the resistance then I honestly think the setlists will go to shit:


    from Showbiz we will get nothing

    from OoS we will get Plug in Baby and Feeling Good on rotation

    From Absolution we will get TIRO and hysteria

    From BH&R we will get KoC, SMBH and starlight

    From TR we will get Uprising, UD, resistance, USoE

    and then 5 sixth album songs, that makes a setlist of 17 songs, so maybe optimistic


    So I recon that New Born, Bliss, Citizen Erased, Stockholm Syndrome, Ruled By Secrecy, Butterflies and Hurricanes, Map of the Problematique, Take a Bow, MK Ultra and Unnatural Selection will all become extremely rare...

  5. Lol, well if we're going that far, then yes, I'd say that would def be the best thing in history, ever :D. Apart from the TaB bit... that's always been my favourite opener - I can't see it as a closing track, it just doesn't work as effectively, imo.


    Omg now I actually want to see/hear the 'perfect' version you mentioned, lol! Someone needs to do some amazing editing so we can experience that level of awesomes! :awesome:


    I recon that:


    Dead Star + micro cuts outro

    Stockholm Syndrome + the version that I described


    would also be awesome. I like Take a Bow opening but I really liked it at Wembley when it opened the second encore, I thought it was far better than KoC....

  6. No.




    To be honest, I actually agree with many of your points. But my favourite part of SS Glasto, and what makes it the best ever live performance for me (and better than EC) is the outro. It's a fucking killer.

    The first riff (the made-up one), is just brilliant, it pwns without a doubt.

    Then you get the whole Chris in the crowd part and Matt on the drums... it was just the whole vibe and energy of the last 4 mins or so that made it epically awesome, plus the riffs and jams are better.


    I know the same sort of stuff happened at Earls Court... but it doesn't sound as good, imo. It's still great, but the Glasto outro is epic, imo. THAT'S the crux of why it's better, for me, rather than the performance of the song itself.


    That and the fact that the fecking outro of EC was practically cut from the Abso DVD - it's the best part and they just chopped and changed the footage :mad:. You don't see Chris go into the crowd/Matt and Dom on stage jamming/the carnage properly.

    Stupid DVD also doesn't include any part of SS from Glasto on the DVD, the bastards, but at least you can see it all properly online thanks to BBC footage.


    If you were to mix the main SS performance from EC with the outro from Glasto, you'd have the best performance in history! But as I don't hear a huge amount of differences between the main song (although the bits you mentioned are true... Matt's voice in EC has more passion, that last 'forget you' is epic and it's all much clearer), they're still very similar, so I go with Glasto.


    However, you can ACTUALLY hear Chris speak in EC (when he says 'cheers'), which almost makes it win :LOL:.



    Lol I rambled on!


    Ok fair enough, But the thing is that SS is my favourite song of all time so I prefer the song to the outros.


    And to make it perfect, You need the EC Song with the groove in the states scream. Flames to come out with the scream, then the Glastonbury Outros and a guitar smash. And it needs a take a bow intro and to be the final encore. :D

  7. No.


    I have to say that Earls court is def. better than Glastonbury. I love this song and I think Earls Court is my favourite ever performance.

    Firstly the guitar tone is far better in EC

    The vocals are more prominent

    The pre chorus is more crazy

    There is generally more passion in matts voice

    The last chorus is incredible when matt just sustains the chords while flailing his arm in the air. The last "forget you" is sustained to extra length. And the riffs last for longer at the end at EC (but unfortually these riffs are cut in the Absolution tour video)


    The only thing that was better at Glastonbury was the scream which is still good at EC.

  8. BH&R has some of the best Muse songs, but the middle ruins it, and the production is awful. The Resistance doesn't have as many stand-out songs, but overall it's a solid album that I can listen to all the way through. So TR>BH&R. imo :p


    I would say the opposite:


    TR has too of my top 10 (MK & exogenesis)


    BH&R doesn't have any but I think other than exo-politics it is consistent.


    BH&R > TR even there are no stand out tracks for me on BH&R

  9. Yeah she is, she had a name change.


    I don't know, there just isn't enough happening in the song, instrumentally (it's almost just a repeated chord progression), melodically (one melody with a brief variation) or lyrically for me to say it's brilliant. As Raining_Muses said it does the same thing for 5 minutes. Compare to FAWY which is built on a lot happening which you don't immediately notice (bassline, distortion, subtle guitar lines etc). Endlessly suffers from something similar, not a whole lot happens in the song.


    Undisclosed Desires would be one of the best things they've done... if it had no lyrics.


    Undisclosed Desires is still in my top 20, which is strange, but I like the lyrics. They are quite haunting and it is my favourite soft love song.

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