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Status Updates posted by bedakshay

  1. Well, I guess you just have to be thankful that you can play the bass instead then ;)

  2. See, I AM old...36. But who cares, age is just a number (can you tell how I'm desperately trying to convince myself that I'm not old at all, haha). So you're a bass player? That's a great choice for a girl. Too few female bass players out there.... Me, I used to be very serious about my singing but time caught up on me and now I only sing in the shower and while cleaning and so on...but then, I do other things that make me happy, so guess it's okay :)

  3. Well hi there :) Well I ain't up to much right now, I have a terrible stomach ache, ouch...so I'm just sitting here in front of my puter trying to keep my mind occupied :) Btw, I'm from Denmark. And judging from the pics you've posted I'm OOOOLD compared to you. But hey, never mind, you're only as old as you feel, isn't that what they say? :)

  4. Thanks for being my online friend :)

  5. Thanks for being my online friend :)

  6. Thanks for being my online friend :)

  7. Thanks for being my onlline-friend :)

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