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Status Updates posted by bedakshay

  1. Hi :) Check your mailbox... ;)

  2. Hey there! Yup, I got the PM - thanks :) Just been so busy at work and yesterday that I haven't had time to reply but I'll do it later. Always nice to talk to you :)

  3. Ohhhh how I envy you! Just read your "About me" section in details and realized that you're going to Wembley in September! I would have loved to go, too...who are you going with? Let me know if you have a private jet and have room for me :D Guess it's sold out though...isn't it?

  4. Ah how nice :) We all need to be thought about sometimes! Actually, I was thinking about our talks on bitless riding yesterday when I was attending this huge contest for Icelandic horses. There was SO much heavy contact on the reins and only ONE - I repeat ONE - rider not mis-using the bit as she was riding bitless. I think it's time for a revolution soon....wanna join me??

  5. Thanks so much! I think he's fine, too ;) It's gonna be interesting to see how he develops.

  6. Try and see ifthis works: http://www.joras.dk/Upload/HorseInfo/88067/2600.jpg

    It's a link to a pic of my new horse, Fjósi from Vandsoe.

  7. And oh don't worry, I know that he is not ready for riding at age three! :D

  8. Hi. Hope everything's well. It's still an awkward feeling to be without my old gelding but I still look forward to getting my new icelandic gelding home. He will be checked by the vet and insured on May 12th and the day after that he will be heading my way. He's three years old and grey. Has been worked a lot with from the ground so he's used to traffic, noises, dogs/cats, being wrapped in plastic and lots more. I know the breeder well, she does a wonderful job raising her icelandics, both in terms of feeding etc but also in terms of their "mental growth". He will make a wonderful riding horse. His trot is strong but he shows more and more tolt while playing with the others in the field.

  9. Hey. Such a sad day, my gelding crossed the rainbow bridge this morning. I know that it was the only right thing to do but yet...it's painful....

    I'd be very interested in hearing your explanations about the effects of the bit etc. I'm very into stuff like that. And by the way, I don't see any flaws in your English, not at all.

  10. Hey :) I'm happy to hear that you're into bitless riding, too. You won't believe how many people try to convince me that it's not "possible" to ride icelandic horses bitless because of thei strong will etc. I've seen so much ill riding in the icelandic world, many riders actually do believe in the old myth that a horse can only learn to tölt if you pull its head up through hard contact to the bit...it's horrible! And it made me sad to read that vet checks during competitions showed that as for horses ridden by junior riders, 35 pct of them had injuries in the mouth :( That's more than a third of all horses!! Many of them were injured because they'd bitten themselves due to too tight nosebands. Again - it's a question of riders afraid of losing control over the horse. They just don't get that pressure causes the horse to go against the pressure, it's a vicious circle. Pure animals!

  11. You're welcome :) I don't have a driver's license and I'm not that interested in cars but TOP GEAR is great entertainment!! :)

  12. As a matter of fact I am buying an icelandic horse when my gelding is not here anymore...a three year old gelding, he's really a fine horse. I ride bitless and want to train him the classical way, therefore I've chosen such a young horse. It's so much easier to do things your own way from the start than schooling an older horse a new way.

  13. Thanks for the nice words about my horse :) Unfortunatetly he's chronically ill and it won't be long before I have to send him over the rainbow bridge...it's not easy, trust me :( But I guess that's the responsibility that comes with owning an animal, after all, we owe it to them to take good care of them and that includes making sure they're not in pain. Still...it's so hard facing reality :(


    And thanks for the online-friendship btw - would love to see pics of your horses some time. Quarters are wonderful horses.

  14. Hey...thanks for joining my horse owners-group....so far you're the only member :D Guess there aren't so many of us Muse- AND- horsefans in this community. Anyways, what a beautiful icelandic horse you have...my own horse is unfortunately at the last stage of his life now, he has inflammation in his joints (don't know how to say it in English) and for the last five years he's spent more time being ill or injured than being a healthy, happy horse. So I've decided that it's time soon...time to end his days of being in pain or being grumpy or being chased around by other horses because they sense that he is weak....

    when he is gone I'm buying an icelandic gelding....

  15. Hey....thanks for being my Muse-friend :) Have a nice day...

  16. Hi. Thanks for being my Muse-friend :) Have a nice day....

  17. Hey :) Thanks for being my muse-friend :) Have a nice day :)

  18. Hey - thanks for being my cyber-friend :)

  19. Hi there...thanks for accepting my friend request. Have a nice day :)

  20. Hi - thanks for the cyber friendship. Take care :)

  21. Thanks for the cyber friendship! :)

  22. Tak for online venskabet :) Ha en dejlig dag :)

  23. Yes, I'm enjoying it here....lots of fun threads to read :) Have a very nice day :)

  24. Ahh, I love a good, political debate, I kan keep on discussing global issues for hours....speaking of hours, I better get my hours of beauty sleep soon....even though I don't know if my sore stomach will let me sleep much tonight. It's half past midnight here in Denmark, so it's getting late. Thanks for the chat, talk to you some other time :)

  25. I listen to so many different genres. Basically I'll listen to anything beside hard metal stuff and weird modern jazz. Muse are my faves because of their great melodies and the political lyrics. I like people who aren't afraid of standing up for what they believe in. That's why Muse are so brilliant....

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