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Status Updates posted by PwoperMuser

  1. I didn't actually see Dom dodge the glowsticks, I just saw everyone chuck them at him. I hope he didn't mind, I'd feel pretty guilty if our Northern Lights hurt him ;) To tell the truth, as amazing as the gig was, I couldn't see ANYTHING between SMBH and Butterflies, after that the mosh calmed down a bit! I've never talked about a gig so long afterwards before, it still feels like it was yesterday to me :')

  2. When Butterflies started... WOW. The crowd around me just screamed, even the guys were screaming, lke you put it, like rabid fangirls ;D And when he did his lame joke and CitizenErased.com :') Stockholm Syndrome was probably the highlight for me. Or when they showed the crowd during TiRO just because I knew I was in the middle of that ;) Oh yeah, then at the end when matt unzipped Doms catsuit thing! MADE MY LIFE. x)

  3. IT WAS EFFING INCREDIBLE. The best gig I've ever been to. EVER. Especially because I got to close :') and I was really happy with out setlist! So yeah, I thought it was alright. How was it for you? I just read on the Facebook page that the Northern Lights looked really good :D

  4. No problem :) glad you liked the picture x) I was just a tiny bit bored on Saturday xDD

  5. I just HAVE to give you your first message :L welcome. It's scary here.

  6. Haha thanks x) and yours is lovely, no wait, it's MUSETASTIC :D yes it is the gesture that counts :) hope she likes it ;)

  7. HAAAAPPY BIIIIIRRRTHHHDAAAAAYYYY. There's a present for you on the LCCC thread x) well, not a present. But whatever. Go look when you have the time! :D

  8. Oh sorry, didn't know if you would reply so I just posted them on the LCCC thread :facepalm: just post it after though, I don't many people are going to post tonight x)

  9. HEY! Let me know when you're ready to post Steph's little present ;) if you have it I mean, if not it's ok :p

  10. Have a good D of E expedition! I hope it's a monocular experience for you :)

  11. Can't send it on my iPod, can I twitpic it you instead? :)

  12. True! We've got 4 definites, and a lot more seriously considering it :awesome: I'm very proud of my little brainwave I had :')

  13. THANK YOU! :D it's amazing!

  14. ah ok, let me know when it's been created! I'm still such a newbie :facepalm: I KNOW NOTHING! x)

  15. Ah ok my friend helped at Beavers. I think he found it quite fun too :) nah I did my bronze, very glad I did, I thought a year was bad enough! (I am way too uncharitable).

  16. Yaaaaaaay! Future puppet Dommeh loves you! xD

  17. Gah! What do you do for that long?! x) what's the difference with being a direct entrant anyway? oh dear if I have to do 18 months then I might just give up xD

  18. Ahh dear I have gold next :facepalm: Didn't do silver, but I did bronze. Actually I haven't sent my thing off for that yet but whatever. Good luck! It's a year of volunteer work right? Have fun ;)

  19. Good thanks :D me neither!! P.S you get a special sexy countdown delivered straight to your page ;)


    81 days

    1952 hours

    117153 minutes

    7029208 seconds

  20. Yeah it is rather a lot >.< and ooh which D of E award?

  21. Thaaanks for the friend request :) how are you doing?

  22. Fair enough ;) I've been a good girl and not spent ~too much of my money recently. Although I did just buy those tickets but whatever :L I'll wait 'till my birthday to buy all my Musey goods. AND OMFFFG are you gonna go to Oxygen??? That's amazing. :)

  23. I can think of worse thing to be stuck in your head ;) I woke up with Britney Spears in my head :facepalm: but now I'm listening to the Gaslight Anthem's new album which is pretty good :D same with my mum, I had to try SO hard to persuade her to buy me Yeasayer tickets, idk how I'll make her get me those glasses x)

  24. OMG. £3.99? Buy them! > I'm not kidding I want them now. Damn, I will have some by September x) And yeah, Muse guitar is just as good as Muse piano especially stuff like Resistance, and Butterflies.

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