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Status Updates posted by Originally_Symmetrical

  1. Yea, they've been married for almost 20 years. So it was a good song choice. XD

  2. I know!!! My parents got married to Metallica's Nothing Else Matters, and I was just looking at covers and found it, and I fell in LOVE. I just couldn't get enough of them!!! Still can't get enough of them!!!

  3. XD They're so full of awesome. I've been officially addicted to them for a while now. I'm glad I'm not the only one on the boards who loves them as much as I do. :D

  4. If I remember correctly, I've seen you on the Gaia forums. :)

  5. It really depends on what you like. They're kind of like Muse when it comes to their genre. I'm just listening to all I can. I don't really know that much about their albums and such, but just listen to everything. I love it all! :)

  6. That's a toughie...are you getting into them? They're amazing. :D

  7. I collect. I've yet to find a good place to make them...nor am I creative enough. :facepalm:

  8. No, I didn't make it...but thank you! I could give you the original! It was a wallpaper. Would you like it? :happy:

  9. :LOL: No, I picked it because OoS is my favorite album...but I wanted to be different. But I was "symmetrical" (basically normal) before I found Muse...so yea. I guess. :D
  10. Happy Birthday, Matt! I just wanted to say that you're fucking awesome and I hope you enjoy it! :D

  11. Trust me, I feel the same way. Muse is my muse (/punfail).

  12. I'm planning! Lots and lots of manual labor to do over the summer. Just so I can get paid, and save money so I can try! :D

  13. No! :supersad: I've been dying to for 2 years! And the one time their coming close enough is on a school day, and its WAY too expensive. *sob*

  14. I know! I miss the fans who still like them! :supersad:

  15. I'm so glad someone agrees with me! :D

  16. Oh yea! They've done almost every major genre of music, and they've definitely pulled all of them off. They made it sound like they've been doing that genre for ten years! I just think that people need to like a lot of stuff to completely love them.

  17. Exactly! I still love Muse! I read on the boards that people thought that Muse's career had ended after Absolution. Its terrible! Yea, Muse isn't the same anymore, but at least they're trying some new things, and not making it boring! And IMO I think that they're doing an amazing job at those new things! :D

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