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Status Updates posted by A_alejandra_N

  1. Cool!!

    Jajajaja cool!! take some photos!!

    I will see them in April and I´m soooooo exited so I undertand how you feel!!


    Sorry for the late reply but this sing never tell me!! :$

  2. OMG!! really?


  3. Jajajajaja....we are so closed!!

    Well I´m from Mexico, in the south part!!

    And.....have you been/going too any of muse's concerts?

  4. Oh!!

    We are not so far!!

    Jajajaja....really? Wow!! that´s amazing.....

    Here It´s strange if you hear it on the streets!!

  5. Mmmmm I don`t know.....grammar, reading, literature I don`t know!! :rolleyes:


    Music!! Wow!! thats so cool....do you play an instrument?

    Drama!! Cool....I would like to take it in my school, but sometimes I am very ashamed.

    So.....I prefer fine arts jajaja.....:$

  6. Jejejeje :D

    and tell me from where are you?

    How do you met Muse?

  7. I agree....so predictable!! I think...

  8. Fine!!

    Jajajaja hey!

    Thanks for accept my request....now I have more MUSE friends!!


  9. Yes!! But I hope This be the last one...jajaja this is only because when you want to get into the college you make a special exam. But It's ok.....I really hope that be the last one!!


    Yes....when I finish to writte was like Oo OMG pure "Ology's" jajajajaja... :D


    Wow....I would like to have only 3 subject....jajaja.

    I have a question, what did you see in your Englis class? Jajaja I know that sounds stupid but I have the doubt.

    Really? If you have a bad grade you can't study another subject?? Wow that's really new for me. Here you never choose, well maybe only in your...Art class because, maybe you are better in Music than painting...so but that's all. All the other subject are obligatory

    And....what subjects did you choose?

  10. I like it so much the baseball game scene for the music, and also because it's funny...

    I meet this story because of Muse, and I read all the books, and trust me the books are better.

    I agree it's a complete "cliché". But I don't know...it's funny. XD

  11. And do you read the books or only saw the movie of Twilight?

  12. Oh!! Cool....

    Well it's a Long story, but it was like 4 years ago a little more! I usually fall asleep later so that night I was changing the radio station When they Sing for Absolution and was like Wow! I like so much so I hear the whole program ... but it was when I listen to Escape that I said I'm here! jejejeje!

  13. You too with your works!! :D

    And tell me how you met Muse?

  14. I´m fine....

    Jajajaja me too, well not exactly, but....something like that. Tomorrow I have to do my exam to get into the college so I´m studing...

  15. :happy: And how are you?

    How is your saturday?

  16. :$

    Your welcome....if you need some advice you can ask me!! :D




    Jejejeje I love this gif!!

  17. Your welcome! I hope you find great things.

    I recommend you look at the shop of Germany, France and England, besides the tax is lower for you, I suppose, and there are more things than the United States Store, for example.

    Oh and another tip, when you search for something, put the words Vinyl Muse or Box Set Absolution Muse because sometimes if you just put Muse the system don't put all the things that they have!!

  18. Yes I´m consider so lucky!!;)

    Well that´s a great start because, I meet people that doesn´t

    have it!! So.....you are lucky too!! :D

    Well....Amazon is great choice, also you can found some interesting things there, like the Absolution Box Set, well I don´t really know if in all the Amazon stores, but...in germany store you can found it. Also in Amazon you can found posters, vinyls, DVD and books!!

    Well that´s an option, because...in the Muse store, you only can find normal things like the CD and only the new singles.


    Yeah! The crazy fans of Muse are the best!!! :happy:

  19. Well I have all the CD´s (Showbiz, OOS, Absolution, BH&R, The Resistance) I have it in standar version,in vinyl, in Japanese version (except the Absolution CD) and I have the CD and DVD of BH&R also the double CD of Hullabaloo.

    I have all the DVD´s (Hullabaloo, Absolution Tour, and HAARP) also I have two unofficial documentaries about Muse. And a DVD that have 3 concerts.

    And some Singles....

    *Dead Star º In your World (Japanese)

    *Plug in Baby (Japanese)

    *Knights of Cydonia

    *Supermassive Black Holes (CD and DVD)

    *Starlight (CD and DVD)

    *Invincible (CD and DVD)


    And 2 books...

    *The story of MUSE: out of this world

    *MUSE: inside the Muscle Museum

    And one poster


    The things in yellow I must have to bring from other countries. The other thigs well....pure lucky!! Because...you see it once and never again. Also one day I see the Random and also I didn´t have money and I couldn´t bought it and I`ve never see it again. Was like aahhhh :mad: but well I hope one day!! Jajajaja....


    :$OMG!! I think that I´m a crazy fan......

  20. Jajajaja.....anybody wants exams!!

    This week I had like....8 exams, maybe more, but well 8 are the must difficult. And also on sunday I will have other...but that it´s for get into a College.

    In this moment in the school I have to take.... Law, Philosophy, Methodology, Ecology, Economy, Psychology, Sociology and english, also I have to take, Arts, Sport class, and Television and Radio class.

    Jajajaja I think that sounds strange all this subjects, but here in Mexico if you are in High school, in the last year you have to take subjects depending of what area of study you want.

    If you want to be a Doctor you have to to take other subjects.


    Jajajaja what subjects did have you take in school?

  21. Es verdad!! Los enlace.....jajajaja ya ni me acordaba, a mi creo que tambien me lo van a aplicar, no se cuando, pero si son ese dia me vale.....jejeje!! Y bueno de puritita suerte esa semana no tengo examenes de la escuela, porque era lo que mas miedo me daba porque no maaa el ultimo año y perder una materia como que no....pero mis examenes empiezan una semana despues asi que con Muse voy a recargar pila!! jajajajajaja...

  22. Jajajajaja, no....no te equivocas!!

    La que se equivoco fui yo jajajaja...

    Y pues si, pienso llegar temprano, para hacer la fila!! ¬_¬

  23. Yes!! I`m so exited...

    when they confirmed that they will come was like the best notice that someone could give me to start the year!!

    Was like OMG!! MUSE IN MEXICO!!



    Yeah....here in Mexico it´s a little dificult found official things of them....but well sometimes if you are lucky you can find things that you never going to see later. It´s all about lucky!! One day I found the Absolution Box Set in a market!! Was like.....OMG!! :eek:!! Jajajaja....I didn´t buy it, because in this moment I didn´t have money but... here in Mexico if you search you can give you a surprise.


    But well Congratulations....now you have more MUSEthings!!;)

  24. Yeah!! Ojala....estaria padre, pues sere de los primeros en llegar ese dia jajaja!

    Tempranito tempranito!

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