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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. finally you is onlines!


    so hows your drawing come along?

  2. THANK GOD! that man is creepier than hell

  3. hello hello ( i dont know why you say goodbye i say hello hello helloooooo i dont know.....) lol beatles=funtimez

  4. i hope



    so i heard you like carter?

  5. i didnt give credit to the person that drew my profile pic but i didnt know who it was! :(


    what was the thread about :erm:?

  6. my profile pic of the drawing happens to belong to someone BUT I DIDNT KNOW WHO! so i didnt give credit :(


    whats the thread bout? :erm:

  7. ive got :srsb33f: here on the boards

  8. am i forgiven.... sorry but seriosuly i saw it on the boards i was bored and just drew....



    I would have given credit but i didnt know who made it!



    PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  9. perfect avatar/username combo :awesome:

  10. srry late response



    i like it when he comes in the room and she just says... hi :eyebrows:

  11. OMG IM SOOOOOOO SORRY! i just found it sooo beautiful and decided to recreate it please pardon me but i mean...WOW! i found it on the boards and....




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