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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. i love soaked soo much! :'(

  2. no i cant download or my mommy will kill me *le sigh* i hate not having a anti virus

  3. homework no school due to snow though!

  4. i want soaked....


    pargue you've never even heard it!

    and chasing cars is snow patrol :p

  5. hey i just looked at your username and realised we're both gemini's i was born june 18th PAUL MCCARTNEY'S BIRTHDAY! :dance:

  6. yeah i enjoy looking at her art sometimes


    in my house we have this huge painting on the wall thats kind o wierd but its all about the way you look at it from front it could be a boat from side it could be something else...

  7. homework lol


    but no school today! due to the snow

  8. wooo :dance:


    i downloaded chasing cars the groove and easily on my i pod

  9. wait hold on

    spelt it wrong

  10. soucy de pellero


    im hispanic so yeah dominican to be exact

  11. im good good feeling mother fucking good lols


    so what up?

  12. i wish she could teach me though

  13. my new moto! :happy:


    yeah i mean art is actually a big part of my life


    my stepd great grandmother is a fmous artist you can see her artwork on goole...and all over the world!

    ive met her a while back :happy:

  14. im still a fail artist but im 12 atleast i try

  15. wow thats beautiful!

  16. mines jsut fail die

  17. yeah all my threads sink :$

  18. actually a fan fix is a website where people make up crazy storys about their idols almost like quizilla but better

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