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weird cOokie

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Status Updates posted by weird cOokie

  1. tell me about it :noey:


    :LOL: :LOL: please if it happens, text me, so that i can get some popcorns and die of laughter :awesome:

  2. le fuuuuuuuu it's the uni to blame :supersad:

  3. ANNA :awesome:

    just saw your dm :chuckle:

    thanks anyway, you too :D



  4. :boobs:


    hai :awesome:

    lol, haven't been online for weeks :stunend:

    i so don't miss this place :chuckle:

    besides you, of course :supersad:


  6. it sucks indeed! then could someone tell me am i supposed to study? :facepalm:

    the only good thing is that i finally started english and german lectures :dance:

    i'm loving german big time :happy:

    oh oh, wait!

    ich heiße keks :awesome:

    :LOL: :LOL:

  7. it's just...random, if it makes sense? :chuckle:

    for example, on monday i have a german lecture from 8:30am to 10am, then i've nothing till 2 pm, then 3 lessons and the last one ends at 7 pm. which means i've to catch the bus who leaves at 7:30pm, which means...i arrive hom at 8:30pm :stunned:

    and since my uni is kind of far from where i live, i end up spending hours in the library, which is good i mean, i've time to study, but after a while i feel like killing myself :noey:

  8. aaaah so happy for you :awesome:

    fine thanks, though my schedule is crazy and i'm always tired :indiff:

  9. steph? oh hai, though you were already on my friend list :chuckle:

    how are you btw, we haven't talked in a while!

  10. that's for sure! at first you never like the new doctor...but anyway, as you said we can still watch some old eps whenever we feel like doing it :awesome:

    lmfao yeah, still watching season 2 too :LOL: :LOL:

  11. "no, no, don't do that, don't" :chuckle:

    jesus, i'm sure i'm gonna miss him big time at the end of season 4...i mean, i'm sure the eleventh doctor is gonna be great too, as the nine, but but :supersad:

  12. orly :LOL: aww bless them :happy:

    though it was easier to understand christopher eccleston than david :indiff:

    not that i mind listening again some bits!

    have you seen ep2 of season 2? when they're in scotland?

    and he speaks in his natural scottish accent? :awesome:

  13. ahah don't worry, i don't come that much often here too :chuckle:

    tell me about it! :stunned: buuuut the more i watch it, the more i improve mah listening skillz :awesome:

    s'all good :yesey:

  14. oh don't worry, i haven't been on .mu for ages :chuckle:

    thank you anyway :happy:

  15. watching ep 3 of SF :awesome::chuckle:

    awh ok don't worry, i'll keep on watching it without subtitles!

    nine was pretty much understandable, david too, though i've usually to rewatch some bits to fully understand what he says :$

  16. QUESTION: where do you watch DW with subtitles? i feel like i should rewatch some eps with subtitles, you know :3

  17. i saw it on twitter and i was like :awesome::chris:

    david, omg <3 single father is nice because of him and how great he's at acting, but it's not my thing.

    besides, it's only 4 eps so i don't mind watching it just for him :p

  18. saw the goblet of fire :awesome: :awesome:

    though david could've had more scenes :noey:

    i'm still amazed by how he manages to change his voice, if i didn't know it was him, i wouldn't have recognized his gorgeous self :stunned:



  19. indeed :chuckle: he's so so so awesome, and adorable, and OMFG have you watched single father?

    i'm just gonna say, tongue, chin, BARE CHEST, puppy face :supersad:

    i'm gonna watch ep 3 later :D


    he's so cute there too :$ <3

  20. awwwwwwww :kiss:

    you see, if it wasn't for lucy i wouldn't have never started watching dw!

    sci-fi is so not my thing, but dw is so damn good :eek:

    david is :awesome:


    got hp and the goblet of fire btw, so that i can drool over barthy crouch jr :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

  21. :yesey: i mean before i got into dr who i thought he was rather cute, but nothing more.

    then i saw few interviews and i got caught by his lovely manners, he's so charming and always smiles, bless him :') he's also a terrific actor, who isn't scared of looking like a twat for a good laugh too :happy:

    tennant addict and pwoud of it :D :D

    and you're mah partner in crime :dance:

  22. and tumblr and fb too :yesey:

    FUCK YES I LURV THEM :awesome:

    david's the name, being awesome, adorable, cuter than puppies and HAWT is his game :boobs:

    lol couldn't find a better smiley :LOL:

  23. sure thing :D

    though we has other ways to chat, like twitter :awesome:

    now 'scuse me, brb fangirling over THE panties <3

  24. indeed :phu: i used to come here to check interviews and stuff but now i can't even be arsed to.

    musewiki is enough for every musey doubt/question/where's that vid from stuff so :p

  25. who needs this fucking place anyway :phu:

    i used to check the muse tattoos thread but it looks like it died :chuckle:

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