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weird cOokie

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Status Updates posted by weird cOokie

  1. :D


    me feels ashamed for the Clooney part, but i can't help myself.

    i grew up watching ER (since i was 4 i think!) and Mr Clooney was in it.

    i was like woah, he's so gonna be my hubby!



    i live in Bologna, and hell yes, we have toooons of snow!

    i wasn't even able to go to school today, because of icy road, it was like -12°C!


    this is not usual for us!

  2. hey Agnes!:)


    i'm so young, i'm just 18!

    oh yes, we have beautiful cities, but 99% of italians are ignorant dick heads, that's all i can say.


    oooh Lake of Como, i'd like to go there first to rape George Clooney, then to kidnap Matt...and maybe rape him!


    yes, i use to be random and maybe too sincere about what i'm thinking, tehe!:D


    oooh i love your avi, so particular!

    if you're interested, i love making graphics, and i recently made a bunch on Muse icons


    (there're 3 pages)



  3. you mean a gif?

    it's hard and long to make them, you've to take the screencaps of a vid, and with a program such as photoshoop or gimp, make the animation.

    i didn't make the one i showed you btw!^^'

  4. i'm italian, but i went in Cracow because i visited Birkenau and Aushwitz too.


    lovin your sig btw!

    and nice to meet you, i'm Sofia!:)

  5. oooh i love the sit the fuck down vid, Matt's laugh is just SO priceless.

    at the end it sounds like he's dying, he's like "i just can't do this a..ny...more!"


    gotta love these boys!<3


    and when Dom put the cowboy hat on!



  6. ooommmmygaud i LOVE that vid, it's so addicting!


  7. omg me too!

    when i need to cheer me up, i watch Matt's funny laugh vid, or the rage ones (flash...AAAAHHH!) or the classic sit the fuck down!XD

    oh i'm supposed to study too. but this forum is too cool to be ignored, ah!:D

    this one killed me when i first saw it!:LOL:

  8. awww i'm sorry, this is not cool!:(

    uhg, school!><

    i hate hate hate it. i love studying, i mean, lol.

    it's not how much work they give me, it's how we're always considered as objects which get marks, and if these marks aren't good, then we're rubbish. also, the fact i've to study things i'm NOT interestend is SO annoying. can't wait to go to university!

    anyway, who always make me smile are Matt, Dom, Chris, their awesome music and hilarious randomness. bless them!<3

  9. :supersad:


    uhg, all the people keep on asking if i'm going to see them in Milan, since everyone knows i ADORE Muse. wtf stop asking people, it's SO painful!><

  10. thanks!

    yeah, love Maffo taking a pic of himself infront of the mirror, :LOL:

    and Dommeh!<3

    i love the fuck you from Muse with love too, hence it's in my sig!:D

  11. :supersad:

    this is my last yr at high school, which means finals.

    and they take place in June.

    that's why i won't be able to go and see them in Milan, and Wembley, uhg!><

    i've the entry text for the unvirsity i'm interested in the first week of september!

    No Muse for me next year, noooooo!

  12. awww thanks!(:

    i love making graphics, mostly of them are of Muse, ah!;D


    yep, i saw them live, sadly just once, last 21th november in Bologna.


    what about you?

  13. i'm fan of Muse since 2003. didn't know why i haven't joined before, lol.

    maybe the forum scared me :LOL:

  14. lol thanks!(:

    i finally joined, i've been watching this board for like 4 yrs!O.O

  15. hellooo!

    thanks for the add and for being nice to me from the very beginning!:)

  16. hey!(:

    thanks i love that pic too! :awesome:


    oooh i see you're polish, aren't you?

    i went in Cracow last january!(:

  17. before joining this forum, i've been looking it for like 4 yrs, so sshh, you can't be worse than me!;D

    and btw, i joined because YOU joined.

    see, everything related you in my life is awesome.


  18. it was SO easy to find you, my dear!;D

    i'm a lil bit shy too, but who cares, no one is gonna kill me...i think, lol.


  19. Hai Tiff!(:

    it's Sofia!

    yesss i made an account, unbelievable, right?

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