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About Melania13

  • Birthday 01/13/1991

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  • Interests
    music (listening only unfortunately) sports and learning (haha)
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  • Muse Releases Owned
    showbiz, OoS, absolution, and resistance :( still need bhar and cant any other... oh and i have haarp!

Melania13's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. Thanks! :awesome: Now I can drink legally lol

  2. Happy birthday :awesome:

  3. Honestly, I really just want them to make like ONE silly song that isn't about eternal love, revolution, or apocalypse like, just get some simple acoustic stuff going, or piano chords and just sing about, like a Orange Mocha Frappuccino or something. Just as a one off they probably wouldn't be able to pull it off though
  4. :awesome:


    GOod plan! :indiff: Ok well I'm off.... need to go to my dear sweet internetless home


    nice chatting with you! :happy:

  5. lol


    Sounds like a good night out :awesome:


    Now I am getting really hungry...meh, just gonna do some homework and then go back to doing nothing!

  6. :phu: I'm a young adult, I'm allowed to party :chuckle:


    I'm the one who got the ride yesterday :awesome: this guy who likes me told his ride to pick me up. At the end of the night I was dropped off at home by another guy who likes me though :$ i felt like a 'ho-bag

  7. You are a bad religious person :noey:


    Not that I know what the "rules" are, I can barely remember what the religion is called.


    I miss nights out, but my friends doesn't want me near parties :(

  8. D: I know!


    Also, none of my friends go to "college" except for my cousin and she doesn't have class today :(


    Mmmmmmm pizza..... that sounds sooo good right now cuz I'm on a slight hangover :LOL:

  9. D:


    I can usually borrow money from friends. Hmm...


    wanna borrow some? :awesome:


    Or I can come over with some pizza :yesey:

  10. :chuckle: i actually have practice in about 1.5 hours and usually eat out and hang out at school and do homework/interwebz.... but I realized when I got to school that I left my wallet at home :(
  11. ooh. Buy some fast food and stay at school all day!

  12. good productivity :LOL:


    I'm still at school because at home our internet is down :indiff: but food is at home and I'm starving :facepalm:

  13. I'll try :LOL:


    It was very non-super bowl. I really need to start doing my homework though...


    Oh well, watching Misfits now <3

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