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Status Updates posted by Kayleigh

  1. hey :) i am back from england (yeah, for one week obviously, but there was so much to catch up: school, sleep...

    but now i was finally able to upload some pictures here, the LCCC gig was AWESOME! we had the best setlist ever (in my opinion) and so many songs (in germany we'd get about 18, in manchester we got about 23!). we were so close to the stage which was awesome as we only arrived one and a half hours before they opened the gates, somehow our entrance was all empty and so we could just get in there and start running and arrived in 2nd row! that was good cuz, you know, the barrier is really uncomfortable! i could see like everything and we had luck to be on matthews side because he didn't really move whilst chris walked over the stage all the time so we actually could see everyone exept morgan! also the supporting gigs were really good (the editors rocked) and we got balls and stuff! it was great :) we also took a few REALLY amazing pictures!

    ahhhh it was good :) i hope you're fine! hope school isn't treating you too badly!!

  2. oh yeah i know doctor who, i've actually watched the episodes you were talking about (i love that show...somehow, although it's quite silly :D) but the original figures are from an artist called mike shinoda who actually is one singer of the band linkin park! i just changed colours and drew a completely new background, on top of that everything with acryl while the original is also made with computer. i found the idea interesting and wanted to give it like a new meaning, the figures are moving on a street which could represent the time that passes by on earth, the street gets dark and well, gas mask and sceleton just fit in the picture :)

    yeha the gig is so close, i've been waiting for it for so long, can't wait to see the playing in their own country! i think that's quite a new experience (it's so strange calling myself already experienced, like a little more than half a year ago i would've not been able to imagine a muse concert, and now i'm heading for my 3rd!!!!)!

    maybe any new gigs that you might want to attend? i think i cannot stop now, i'm at any rate going to go to every concert that i have the money for, it's sucha drug!

  3. i'm fine right now, i've had school for one week but it's been okay, i just styled the book i write my time table and homework in (last year i drew the knights of cydonia horse and a linkin par sign, this year i chose something from radiohead, but i've a few muse pics sticked in it :D). i'm gonna head off to manchester in one and a half weeks to visit a friend and go to a muse concert with her, i'm so super excited because i'm flying alone and all that kind of stuff, it's gonna be awesome i think!! i'm also allowed to visit her school which is really cool, can't wait!! ah well you still have holidays, don't worry about school (although i know exactly how you feel), it was great to meet my friends again as well, and luckily i share most of my courses with them :)

  4. hey :) i am SO sorry for the late reply but my holidays have been very busy after i came back from turkey. and on monday school starts again, but this time with completely new teachers and a completely new tiem table. i have it already and i like it very much, there are people having a much worse one, and on top of my luck with the teachers and free lessons i got most of the subjects together with my very best friends, so it won't be that cruel!

    how have you been, and how long do your holidays last?

    to come back to your question about the queue, there wasn't any to be honest! the festival takes place on the most famous racetrack in germany, there are 3 blocks in which the audience is, block A for 9000 fans, block B for 12000 fans and C for all the rest (altogether about 90.000 and something). you can get to those blocks through the pitlanes and there's a counting system so when one block is full a traffic light turns red and the security doesn't let you in anymore.

    we got to block A very early and because we wre already IN there we could spend the whole day there, they have toilets and food and drink sations in the serveral blocks so that you don't need to leave them. but we had to stay in first row of course, well and later on we left those places as i told you, but we could still stay in block A (we got out, drank something and got in again, we found amazing places although there were 9000 people!!!)

    ahhh sorry, i'm talking too much :D anything new here going on? <3

  5. hank you very much :D i couldn't take pictures sadly, i was too afraid to bring my camera because there were a lot of moshpits in the crowd, there were always nice people that helped you out but then it's mostly too late to save the cam as well :) there are quite a few good pictures though, here for example (without dom, i dunno why :'()


    or here:


    the festival was just great, we met somebody in a village that was like...5 km from the actual festival place and we could still hear the noise!

    i am happ that you loved your concert as well :) what didn't you like about the setlist? we had great songs, and the UFO wohooo! and theyplayed bliss *-* however, i've got half an hour left, then we're gonna leave to drive to cologne and fly to turkey then for two weeks, so i have to say good bye now :) see you in two weeks then, hope you like the RaR pics :)

  6. heyyy, yes my summer is great so far, we have holidays now and i finished the 10th year well :D how have you been all the time? how has your concert been? ohhh rocm am ring was AWESOME! look at that:



    i was SOOOOO close to the stage and could jump/sing and have fun without being mashed though!!! :D :D

  7. but...it's not even finished :D :D :D

  8. maybe you can like save the pic on your desktop and open it with another programme...

  9. oh my gosh it's HUGE...i didn't know that and i don't know how to...omg :D hopefully you can recognize something on it :D

  10. huh, why do you have to move school? don't worry, your cat is gonna behave in a better way when she grows up...he...she??! :D okay, we need to talk (uhhh this sounds so serious) about the thingy i am drawing for you, you know i apologized a lot for being late but i really am incredibly busy because there are loads of other projects i have too, but i have like 3 starts of the pic. but i am not satisfied with all of them because i decided to half-do them with the computer which is really hard because i've never done that before. so imma just show you one i'm currently working on and you can decide if it's okay for you or what you want to improve, OR you just tell me that it's crap and then i'll try to draw one with pencil :D here you are:



    i'm really bad with the computer thing and it's not finished at all and...yeah :DDDD

  11. oh yeah, we were really close! actually we were in first row, barrier, the whole day long waiting for muse and then 30stm played and we really got mashed! my legs and arms were covered with bruises so we decided to get out of there as it's more fun to be able to jump and clap when seeing muse. we were still in block a1 though which was the first block right in front of the stage and we got an awesome place like still almost barrier but without being killed, and right in front of the stage AND a huge screen, so we saw everything and the sound was amazing! it was awesome, and we have like 10 songs recorded so we can always watch them again *-*

    my exams went quite well, thank you, school's over in two weeks luckily! how about you?

  12. hey, i am SORRY :D :D i haven't been here for a while because of RaR and then school wsa so incredibly hard but now our exams are all over ;) luckily! d'awww your cat is SO cute, i always wanted to have one but my mum, she's allergic so that wouldn't work out that good :/ RaR was amazing really, we were really close to the stage and could see everyone and it was great! and they played about 18 songs *-*

    however, i hope i can continue with your pic soon, not today though as i have school in the afternoon and training in the evening (i play football), it does look quite okay already i think :D

  13. september? maybe in manchester??? because i'll be in manchester too :D :D :D

  14. museLP24

    :D wow this sounds awesome and YAY i inspired you a little bit!! i just wanted to tell you that i won't be able to answer for some time now as i'm going to go to the rock am ring festival tomorrow (until sunday). and imma see muse on saturday there!!! wohoooooo! but i won't be able to write then of course :)

  15. do you have a youtube account? i think it might work out there because the messages really can be incredibly long :D

  16. i'm actually really bad here...so you mean a personal message only has 6000? or?? :D:D

  17. i'm leonie by the way :D

  18. YESSS :D:D i'd love to read it really!! it's really dark i think, well the pic you'll get will be quite dark as well, i hope you'll understand it (i'm gonna describe it to you anyway ;)) because it's not directly connected with the book/title of the book, but indirectly ;) you'll see :D i'm fine thanks, how are you?

  19. hey :) nah i'm actually not in twitter, i just stalk muse there loads, somehow twitter seems very confusing to me and i don't know what exactly to do there ;) ireland *-* the landscapes there are truly beautiful and the people are known as being very friendly (at least from what my parents told me, they were in ireland together for quite some time and it was amazing, my mum sometimes pages through the photos and gets almost homesick...although she is at home :D)

    your photos look awesome as well, i realy would love to go to ireland one day, who was with you? really, muse will contribute more than one song? i love neutron star collision and the more i listen to it the better it gets really, it IS cheesy, no doubt, but it's epic ;) i like the video as well, but i start getting sensitive when seeing twilight clips, i just can't stand this endless battle about twilight anymore and apart from that i don't like the actors at all (apart from the one who play jasper and he does not appear in the video) the muse-twilight collaboration causes mass hysterias, on both sides. muse fans get furious because of less muse and too much twilight in the video and about the fact that stupid twilight fans pretend to love the band, twilight fans will make the whole thing worse by posting stupid comments *omg i love this song, muse is awesome, so great that they write songs JUST FOR TWILIGHT*. and i'm being in the middle of everything not quite sure whether to be furious as well or just irritated by this childish behaviour. i'd rather like to see muse playing hours in front of a black screen than seeing them in front of bella and edward kissing...ewww!

    however, it's nice to talk to you again, by the way, do you know which band will support muse at your concert?

  20. heeeyy! you are back ;) nah it's actually going to be my second gig (remember cologne in november), and i saw this with the temper trap, couldn't believe it at all! i am so happy...and a really lucky persong regarding that they're coming to manchester and not to london...or where ever! this is just awesome! where have you been all the time? i was standing aweful weeks of school & exams without your supporting comments ;) what dou you think of neutron star collision?

  21. hey :D

    ohhh okay, i get holidays in june for 6 weeks :) and i'm SO going to need them, i'm already exhausted although we had holidays one week ago lol. i went to this first aid course today that i need to get my licence and it lasted for 9 hours, i haven't learned anything new though as my dad is doctor and i already knew everything so it was really unnessecary. and i haven't done any of my homework yet and tomorrow i'm going to have a football match so everything's pretty PHUUUU! :D

    that's because we're a scientifical school, we're focussed on maths, physics and chemistry or biology which is SO annoying as i suck in those subjects (accept biology) but the school's right in my town so it's just logical for me to visit it. i could easily pass the exams i need to be allowed to go to an art school but that would be all ponderous.

    yes red haired matt!!




    *me loves so much* ah i'd totally go crazy as well if there was a rumour that matt had red hair, i so love it. and the black hair and the blue hair and his natural brown hair oh yes :stongue: ah and yes, expert for dom ;) and i don't have a clue why i came to that idea :pope:

    i LOVE radiohead but this was the worst cover of creep ever ;) EVER and then with this classical music in the background, but the joke was awesome. do you like radiohead?

    might you vote for bliss, hyper music and citizen erased for the RaR festival and manchester? that would be awesome, i love those songs so much, i mean...i love every muse song :) oh and by the way, you can also vote for FAWY for manchester if you want as you apparently love it too :) oh i have to go now, sorry for the abrupt end :D oh last one:




    see you!! <3

  22. by the way (just remembered your question now), i voted for hyper msuic, bliss and citizen erased for the RaR festival and for manchester, if you haven#t voted for them yet, might you do that for me as well? that would be awesome!!

    i intended to vote for blackout and take a bow but i saw that like almost nobody voted for these songs, they would have had bad chances. for which songs did you vote and can i do you a favour?

  23. you mean really...finish, like finish and never come back? well that would be in about 2,5 years, i'm hopefully gonna pass the final exams (it's called 'abitur' in germany) and afterwards i have good chances to get accepted at a university that includes an education in all kind of arts hopefully. how about you? well usually we have six weeks off in summer and two weeks in winter (around christmas)/ auntumn and spring (around easter) and then there are loads of national days and stuff like that that are distributed through the whole year. we get our reports one day before the summer/ winter holidays and after the summer holidays we like finish the year basically and change in the next class (which is going to be 11th class for me). the next year is going to be very important for me (the following two and a half years actually) as we're now allowed to choose our subjects and the exams we want to do. i'm gonna choose english, german and biology as malor subjects as i cannot choose art (as major) which is aweful :/ we do have other subjects as well but they don't count that much (art, sports, maths, religion,...).

    omg, the pic with red hair that you sent is beautiful, i'm totally going to take that one and draw it (imma let you know when i finished it), i know you're rather expert for dom but he's not that much into different coloured hair (although i loved the short, brown hair, yummy). however, thank you LOADShehe :D i'm so looking forward to this one (and to finally finish the WAY too small linkin park picture that i basically have to draw with a magnifying glass)

    yeah...undisclosed desires *seriously watching the vid again* ah well, they're young, it's one of their first videos for their first album, they are forgiven ;) i actually...well you know my secong favourite band is linkin park, and the one singer, mike shinoda, posted a few videos of the music he was currently listening to in his blog, and the first one was from the temper trap (and the second one was uprising and he liked the teddies LOADS) and i checked them out cuz i loved it and that's what made me buying the CD. btw, the other singer was on a muse gig (on the 9th of april?!) and he wrote the sentences that are now in my signature on his twitter page! i am so HAPPY! they're talking about each other, how CEWL is that?!

    fools day? you mean that one with exogenesis part 4 and feeling good alias mk ultra? or... ? :D

    yeah the t-shirt is awesome really, i don't have a credit card either but a german muse fan (of that group i'm going with) ordered it and it didn't fit so she kinda sold it off to me ;) lucky me!!! ahhh, i need to go, thanks for the vid btw, i'm so happy his glitterati did not break, it's an odd guitar for a rock star but i SO love it, it's so matthew hehe :D

    see you sooon!!!

  24. hey :D you never get more than one week off? but i'm sure the summer holidays are longer than just one week, you'd live in purest hell otherwise o.0 oh thank you very much, i actually use pencil and charcoal (and the blue parts were just usual blue colour), but i bought pastel pencils now and i'm going to draw my first coloured pic, i even started today and it looks pretty good, but it takes a lot of time and is really exhausting! i started with the 6 members of linkin park, so it's really difficult because they're all on one pic so they're all really small! but because i finally can draw coloured now i intend to draw matthew with blue or red hair next!! what do you think? if you have a favourite picture you can send it too if you want :D well i need to finish LP first, but i just love those pencils! the temper trap is from australia, the i think most popular song is called 'sweet disposition'

    it does not take the 6 minutes, the video lasts longer somehow but you just see a black screen when the song is finished. well you'll see. the whole album is great actually but i don't want to overwhelm you with a huge amount of songs now. but if you have questions, feel free to ask of course ;) omg i just LOVE ruled by secrecy and bliss *is indeed in bliss* so great, i so hope they're going to play those songs at my festivals *prays* and where did matthew hurt poor sparkling glitterati? NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo :D ah me and some friends that are going to the muse gig in germany with me are thinking about motto shirts or a banner, i feel like my head explodes, i just cannot think of anything cool or special enough! i want that one of the guys sees us and starts laughing, that would be awesome! but i just don't come to anything yet :/

    -> oh and thank you, the new muse t-shirts are awesome, aren't they??

  25. hey :D sorry, i haven't been here for a while so i haven't had the chance to write properly. i do have holidays but unfortunately just until monday (well i have had about 2 week so i should be satisfied), BUT the holidays have been great so farand it's been really relaxing, i could draw loads and listen to every CD i posess and i met up with a few friends which was great because i simply had no time for that during the school time! how are you? YEHH june's coming and i'm going to another concert of a band called 'the temper trap' that is really awesome (and on their way with the first album, they're SO excited about everything, that's so cute! even about their first tour bus :D), so i'm really looking forward to june as well!

    anything new going on here? :D:p

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