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Girl of Cydonia

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Everything posted by Girl of Cydonia

  1. It's so funny. You list Cafe Tacuba. When I listen to the song Uno I think of Cafe Tacuba. For some reason that songs reminds me of them. It sounds a little bit like it could be Cafe Tacuba. Or something that they would play.

  2. How's school going? I hope you're having a good week. :)

  3. Hi,


    What about a strawberry milkshake then? ;) Haha...just kidding.


    Anyway, my cough is sounding better. It's not as bad as it was the other night. Now it sounds more clear which is a good thing. I would cough on monday and people would just look at me like, "eww...what's wrong with her?" Lol. What happens now is that I go into this coughing fit. I feel this tickling feeling in my throat and I have to pop in a minty gum to stop that itchy throat feeling. But it's getting better.


    Can you believe it's Friday again? Wow....where does the time go? I only had to work on Monday and Wednesday this week. And I got the rest of the week off. I don't go back until next Wednesday. :happy:


    How is your week going? Do you have any plans for the weekend? I might go to a birthday party tomorrow but i'm not 100 % sure yet.


    I'm about to make a couple of Thank You cards. I'm also thinking of designing a new tote bag. I'm not sure what I want it to say or have though. I'll look up some ideas on the internet.


    So you do write poetry? That's nice. I like writing poetry as long as it's cut-up poems. Cut-up poems are poems made out of phrases, lyrics, words,etc from magazines, books, newspapers. Stuff like that. I've written several so far and i'm planning to do more. I'll send you one to read later today or tomorrow.


    I'm going to run some errands but I'll talk to you soon.


    have a great day,


  4. Oh okay...lol...I guess I got it from one of the videos that you had on your favorite lists. It's a funny video. It was taken at the Rose Garden Arena in Portland. The concert I was supposed to go to. :(

  5. Let's see..


    I think I watched one called Bellamy has fun with a spotlight. I liked that one. I saw other ones that I really liked too. I think I favored a couple of them.


    where do you get your videos?

  6. This is what I can remember writing.


    Oh my goodness a strawberry attack? Are you feeling better now? And would you like some strawberry cheesecake? Jk..lol


    Yeah I've seen quite a lot of things in San Diego. But I'm sure there's more to discover.


    My weekend was good besides the stinking cough I have. I don't even know where that came from. But maybe they are allergies like you said. I'm going to try that apple vinegar tomorrow. I'm also going to keep drinking water and grapefruit juice.


    You should have rested too. I think resting is one of the best remedies when one is sick. That's all I did today.


    I went to church, invited my mom for breakfast, then went to Michael's to buy some new items for my greeting cards, and came home and rested rested rested! And it's 1 am and I'm still here typing...lol..but I love it! It's fun to write.


    What do you like to write? Do you like writing poetry? I love writing cut-up poems. That's one of my new hobbies to write cut-up poems.




    that's all I can remember. I forgot the rest. So much for claiming I have such a good memory. Haha. Oh well...next time I'm going to make sure I use my computer and not my sister's!

  7. Arghhh! I wrote this long message for you in here and when I clicked Post Message it said I had been clocked out! :(


    I was responding to your message about the strawberry attack. Now I don't remember what I wrote.


    I'll try to remember...

  8. Hi Muser fan,


    I came on a couple of hours ago to post some messages and ended up clicking on your youtube link and ended up watching one of the videos that you have. I wasn't supposed to be on youtube for so long! lol...but your MUSE videos are really cool.

  9. I have a seating chart for this arena. I found it the other day before I bought my tickets and it's pretty good. I will try to post it on here. I'm using my sister's laptop right now. I'm upstairs in my bedroom. I don't feel good. :-( I got this really bad cough. Ugh. I hate it! I hate feeling this way. I hope I feel better tomorrow.


    anyway, if I feel a little better tonight then I might post the pic so others who are going and haven't been there before can have an idea what it will look like.


    how was your Sunday? I hope you had a good weekend.



  10. Yes it will be awesome no matter what. Because Muse kick ass! I'm excited....are you? :)


    Have you been to that arena before? I haven't so I don't know how it will look once I get in there.

  11. I know. It seems like everybody was looking for that specific section. Is it because it is Matt's side? I know that's why I wanted it. I always like getting seats on that side. Would it be considered the right hand side of the stage or the left hand side of the stage? I see it as the left side of the stage. I don't know why.


    I tried Ticketmaster.com while I waited on the phone and the sections that would come up all the time were section T or U but not P. Damnit! She should have told me that they were selling 3 tickets. Why can't they only sell 2? That's not fair.


    Maybe I'll get lucky enough and I'll find somebody who will want to swap seats. I almost thought of buying GA then swapping them since those seem to be the most wanted.


    well one thing I do know ...during the concert in Oakland Matt switched sides with Chris for a little while. That was pretty cool. :) Maybe he'll do it again.

  12. Oh I hope you're right!


    For some reason something tells me that I could have gotten something in Section P, maybe even section Q. Hmm...I wonder. Should I have waited? :unsure:

  13. Oh okay... I do love to dance and jump and etc... that's why I was more worried about getting lower level seating. Good thing I found something very close to the stage.


    yes you'll have to go to more gigs in the future...


    as for me, I'm going to try to see them as much as I can on this tour. After all they don't come around over here that often. I might as well take advantage of it eh? ;)

  14. Aww...you're lucky. That's the section I wanted.


    That's great though. You got good seats. Just be careful if you're going to jump and dance because I heard the seating is steep. Wouldn't want you to fall over and roll down the aisle. :eek:


    anyway, you should have told your brother to get me some seats too. Haha. Thats okay I got Section H....it's a good section. I'm more used to being on the left side though.


    It's all good...we got our tickets right? Now it's time to count down the months...or weeks...whichever way will make it go faster.


    are you also going to see them in Anaheim or Los Angeles? I really want to go see them in Anaheim.

  15. Yes Section Q was sold out. Along with Section S, R, and P. :ohmy: I can't believe it! Who would want to sit in Section P? <----me!

  16. Hi,


    I got my tickets! I didn't get Section Q as I was hoping for :( but I got Section H Row 10.


    I'm probably going to try to move further down if I can. I noticed at the Oakland show there were empty seats around me. So maybe there will be empty seats here too. :D


    have a good day :)

  17. I hope so too!


    If you got you something in Section Q, P, G, H then that will be cool. It's closer to the stage.

  18. Why not? Does that mean that he got really good seats and he wants to surprise you so that the day of the concert you'll be saying "What? You got Row 1 Section Q?!" Wouldn't that be awesome? :)


    If he says he got good seats, then he got good seats. :)


    I wish he would tell you where what they are though.

  19. Hi...did you get your ticket? I bought mine already. I ended up with Section H Row 10. I'll be on Chris' side this time. That's cool. I can always move haha.


    I hope you got good seats! The lady at Ticketmaster told me that Section Q, R, S and P were all gone :-( Nothing was available. The closest I could get sitting in that section was Row 34....uh no thanks.



  20. Yes. I live in San Diego. I didn't think they would come here for this tour but I'm happy they are. I'm so excited! But I still need to have my tickets first then I'll be very excited. What about you? Do you live in San Diego? Or near San Diego?

  21. You've known them much longer than I have. How nice. And yes I'm also very happy I found them. They are simply the best! :-)

  22. About 2 years. But I wish I would have known about them a long time ago.Arghh! Oh well at least I know who they are now and I'm very happy about that. How long have you been a fan?

  23. How cool. Oh you're going to love it! I'm going with my sister. She also likes Muse but not as much as I do. I think she'll become a bigger fan after she sees them. :-)

  24. Hi. Yes I believe they will be selling tickets for Section Q. Ticketmaster lets you pick out your section. But make sure you try to buy it as soon as possible. I'm going for that section too! Matt stands on that side. Are you going alone? Or with a friend?

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