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Status Updates posted by ShatteredTime

  1. Hehe! I swear I almost cried in some places. xD

    I'm re watching it again for the hell of it. :D

    But I loved how it was really fast and wasn't too slow like some off the other episodes. :D

  2. Omg Rory! <3 Hehe! I watched it on the TV lol but that to kept going "No signal" at like the best parts! D:

    But I totaly didn't expect the series to end like that to be honest. :D Its a thumbs up for me! Hehe!

  3. Did you enjoy it!?

    I'm going to have to rewatch it because where I was.. the signal was PANTS! xD

    But I loved it with what I could see lol! :D

  4. Hey Scoby!!

    How are yooous?



  5. haha.

    All I remember was we where in the supermarket..

    (Matt was buying his own NCS CD! I don't know where Dom wonder off to.. But Chris was there..lol)

    But I asked if I could be a pain and get his autograph.. and he said no, but said would you like to drink tea and coffee with us instead...


    and it ended right there.. I was gutted... but secretly pleased. XD

  6. Lol!

    I was in my tankini half the time & running across the beach cuz that sand was rather hot.. haha.


  7. SAAAAAARA!!!!



    How are yooooou?

    I somehow managed to get a tan in spain lol.. althogh now I'm pealing and its taking al the brown offt!!! D:

    I don't know how you cope with that heat!!

    <3 <3 <3

  8. SCOBY!!!!


    I still had a fab time though!.. got a tan so I'm not complaining! XD

    (Even though its pealing now.. ><)

    I missed talking about Muse.. becuase the friends I went with dont like them..D:

    Also though I did have a dream about them while I was in Spain lol...

    <3 <3 <3

  9. Yush she sure does!!!! Grrr! XD


  10. Yes! Thats what happeend to me.. bloody Doris! She'd been chuking me out this past week! loool

  11. Haha! Sorry for logging out on you!

    My computer when all meeeeh! loool. If computers can go "meh"?


  12. Haha!

    Urg I hate having to concentrate! I get distracted so easily...


    oo look! Theres a fly!!!.........:awesome:


    Haha,.. ^^

  13. Hey Scoby!

    I'm very well thank you! Yourself??

    You been up to much??

  14. Ooo D=


    I'm sorreh! Happy birthday! Been rather busy.. =3

  15. You never know! We might just be! that but like :awesome: if we where!

  16. haha thats cool. Yeah I'm on the 5th level too.. but 250 or something. =S

  17. Thats good! So we both have backup plans! =D Haha.

    I cannot wait to see them! Where abouts are you seating or standing?

  18. Yeah thats what I am like! But luckly for me I has a friend who knows how to get to Wembley like the back of her own hand! So I can ring her if I get lost!!! Lol!

  19. Hehe!!! it shall be fun! =D

  20. Hehe!! That just be awesome stuff!! =D

    Although I'd possibly either have to get the Milton Keynes train or one of the Northampton one, since I'm closest to them.. hmmmmmmm well



    5 Months to go!!! =D =D

  21. Lol.. Your in the Uk right? Lol.

    I could met you at the tube. XD

    But if your dad driving then thats awesome. Ha. :p

  22. Loooooooooooooool. Well we'll just see, get hyper before hand and yeaaah. (: you should join us on the tubes!!! lol

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