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Status Updates posted by snarkycat

  1. I will remember to Matt if he can 'see' music the next time I bump into him ;):p

    Maybe somewhere in NYC :shifty:


    He has such amazing musical ability that it is entirely likely that he sees music in a way that is not obvious to us mortals.


    You made me google my name :LOL: I had never done it and it was quite amusing to read all that came up :chuckle:

  2. So the songs are colored based on how they sound as well and not just on the spelling?

    Did you see the new Times interview. This particular comment of Matt's struck me as odd considering our recent conversation

    Ask Bellamy if summer 2010 feels like a golden moment in the life of this proudly off-message rock band and he replies: “Well, it’s always been sort of… beige.”

    Do you think Matt is a synesthete as well? Thanks for indulging my curiosity! I'm Swati btw.

  3. It must be such a different perspective, seeing things like that. :awesome: But I guess for you that is normal. So do the words take on a color depending on the arrangement of the letters? I don't think in colors but yellow definitely suits Sing for Absolution better :)

  4. I don't know a lot, just what I read about it when I first heard of the thing. I think its amazing that you can do that. Your 'seeing' a year as an oval is definitely associated with synesthesia since there are different forms of it. For the lack of a better reference, here's the wiki link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia

    How did you find out that seeing alphabets or letters in colors is something only you can do?

  5. Hey! I follow you on twitter thanks to Muse and sexyplanes and you tweeted about being synesthetic and I am fascinated! I first heard about synesthesia in neurobiology class in college and have been intrigued ever since. I have never 'met' anyone who was though, so HAI! :D

  6. Hey! I was wondering if you are still working on the Boston gig bootleg? I'd love to have it if you are done. Thanks :)

  7. The weather today is just :noey: But I hope you're still celebrating :)

  8. O hai!! Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great day. Don't let the rain spoil it for you :)

  9. Heh. Its Indian name for a star. I definitely belong to the Maffoo fangirl category btw :D

    I wish I was going too. Do you think they will go about doing touristy things in Philly like they have been doing elsewhere? I don't know if they have the time for it.......

  10. Hey there! I am Swati. :)

    Its my last week in Philly :stunned:

  11. Hey you! How have you been?

  12. hey!! are you glad its friday? :D

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