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Status Updates posted by Robbers27

  1. Heyloo! Hows your lack of forumness going? :p

    Sorry I've not been about much..... It's been a busy and weird couple of days so have missed this place lots! :p

  2. LMAO!


    Can you imagine the surprise that would be? :facepalm LOL

  3. I knew you'd be back! :p


    Yes I discovered that thread last night and made my mark also :facepalm:

  4. Er..... its been an odd day... lol :facepalm:

    I'm soo sorry about yours! I read about your fun and games :(

    Are you some what like now?

  5. Have you got everything organised for next year?

    I thought I'd ask here as the people who can't be bothered to read any of the thread or any of the others are annoying me tonight :facepalm:

  6. LOL! :p


    Who has been spreading rumours now? Enough have been spread already about Milking Matt and Dom :facepalm:

  7. Hello cool new friend! :LOL:

  8. Awwww fabulous! :D


    My internet is horrible tonight! I'm struggling to get onto the forums. I've added them to my favourites so as soon as I get on - especially flickr! - I shall send you a link! :)


    Not heard anything from my friends but they are in florida :p Time zones are such a pain! :p

  9. Amateur?? MY ASS! :p


    Those pictures are amazing!! I'm just reseting my flickr password but I'll link you mine that I took with a small digital camera. I'm still trying to find out anyways what the rules and regs are :)

  10. Yeah there isn't an awful lot that they can do and taking cameras off of everyone, labelling them up etc is going to be a nightmare! I would try and get a pocket camera if you can? The zoom and quality on them is top notch in fairness and you are at less risk of loosing an expensive camera or being denied entry.... I'm still waiting for a reply but I'll let you know! :-)


    I'll have a look at that thread though - I hadn't noticed it to be honest.

  11. Couple of weeks back in Sheffield was my first Muse gig to be honest. I've been going and going and going but never gone :facepalm:


    In honesty, there wasn't really any checks as such... I went with my pocket digital camera in my back pocket... ouch!.... and there was no problems! I'm trying to find out myself what it's like for cameras... I'm just Facebooking someone who's on holiday! This is highly important stuff! :p

    Naw they have contacts and are helping me out with a few things so that we can make the weekend of it. I'll keep you posted! There must be some way!

  12. Whoop whoop whoop! :D

    :O Muse utility suit and war paint? KICK ASS!

    Where can we buy some? We're liking the idea of blue glow in the dark chord to decorate our t-shirts with... I need to get drinking the Baby Bio though more importantly :facepalm:



  13. I hope you've got some energy for some serious adventuring next year! We're going mad because we're going to Wembellemy!

  14. Hahaha!

    You wont miss us! :facepalm: Hahaha! :p

    My friends are guaranteed to get me into trouble or wind me up! :facepalm:

    We will no doubt be standing! :D


    Yes - the attention to detail is essential! I'm sure I saw a Muse evil teddy the other day when I went shopping?

  15. Hell yeah! We'll make sh*t loads! :p


    Ah dear.... well, I'm not in the medical sector but I still get people talk to me about their arthritis! :p

    What a job! That must be seriously interesting! :)


    Of course they can have sparkly glasses! :D One of the others who I'm going with mentioned about getting bright blue LED strips and putting them round the Muse lettering on our t-shirts :facepalm:


    We'll be walking talking strobe lights :facepalm: Haha! :p

  16. That is such genius! :D I'll sort a prototype! :p


    We need some Muse action figures :p


    :O Knights of Cydonia action figures!!!!!


    Yikes! I suppose depending on the hospital, you may not have seen much daylight perhaps as well :-(


    Such a great job though! :-) You're doing good as well and helping people unlike myself! haha


    My sister works in the theatres so she doesn't see much daylight. Funnily enough, she wanted to go into radiography! I'm not sure what happened there........


    Yeah, the overtime is always nice to have but it doesn't always weigh up.


    To be honest, I'm not really worried about it as I have no ties so the work that I put in means that I can go to more concerts and do crazy stuff off the cuff, at the weekends or just book an odd bit of holiday time off and go insane! :D

  17. Hey! I'm working on the business plan for that still! :-P


    I work in IT - I'm a joyful Network Co-ordinator (Manager) who refrains from hiding in "the cupboard" :-P

    I wanted to get some work out of the way and to also prevent something from happening that I could see was going to happen :facepalm::p


    5am is nothing though! In September (when I was supposed to go to the den) I was working 4 - 9.... and thats not 4 in the afternoon :p


    I'm like the duracell bunny :D

  18. Hows you're day gone? :D

  19. Absolutely shit but I couldn't care less! I got tickets! :D Wooooo!

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