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About 27 Shockwaves

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Posts posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. Check my





    The part that starts at 3:26 made me shit hot coals. So beautiful :supersad:


    It also reminded me why I insisted on ripping my fingers open untl I played it to nearly 99%.... Ah, I think I'll stick to playing my Bass, instead crying myself to sleep because my MoTP on guitar will never amount to half of yours... :D *favorites vid*

  2. I heard Butterflies and Hurricanes around the time it came out. Some little kid was listening to it in the middle of Wal-Mart and I was hellbent on finding out who it was. It took another year and I heard it playing again when someone said "Oh that's that song by Muse!" and I've been addicted since :D

  3. Well I sort of live in Middle-of-Nowhere, Connecticut.... Jeez, any major cities near there??


    Perhaps Boston, that's not a bad drive. Boston IS somewhat major, right? Other than New York, they haven't been in the north-eastern seaboard in a while, maybe I'll get lucky this time around.

  4. I've noticed someone else's post a few pages back about Hysteria on bass, and wondered if anyone can help me out with settings for what I have. I only have a Bass Big Muff, and a few random effects here and there.


    A lot of the covers I see, say they only use the Muff. BUT I have yet to figure out how to achieve the right sound like that. Any help at all would really be appreciated :(

  5. I play a small-scale Ibanez. I think it's a GSRM20... [---Link!---]


    Sometimes I'll play my brother's, which are:


    Blue Dean Edge Q6 6-String ---------------------> [---Linky---]

    Red Spector Legend 4 ------------------------------> [---Linky---]

    Fender 60's Jazz (2-tone sunburst finish) ----> [---Linky---]


    But I can't really handle them too well, I'm kinda small to be playing a full size bass :$

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