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About 27 Shockwaves

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Posts posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. I know right!! I was looking at him like

    :awesome: *Hysteria starts* "ooo not bad, I can do that!" *headbangs*

    :stunned: "This is actually kind of tough... Ow."

    :eek: "Ok, I think I just cracked my neck... OMG how does he do it?!"

    :pope: *must stop*

    *hysteria ends* ..... "wow, that killed.... BUT IT WAS EPIC :awesome:"


    Next day:


    Can't......move.....neck..... :stunned:

  2. I died a little inside when I saw that :chuckle:. I'll admit, Matthew's random act of guitar violence was amazing, but still... :pope:


    In fact HERE:

    The gig I was at, he threw the poor thing across the stage because it was giving him issues. It was bound to happen at one point, sadly.

  3. UnintendedMuseMom


    I love that she's so into the band, but this IS the place where I too need to get away from everyone, or just let off some steam. It's just a little eerie, if you know what I mean :erm: And this isn't exactly the nicest place on earth, especially for a mom :chuckle: (even if she's an epic and insane omg-lets-go-get-killed-in-GA-Floor-it'll-be-awesome kind of Muse loving mom. )



    But she's always so busy, bless her constantly working heart. My bet is she'll be a lurker.



    oh and @Kirby I'VE BEEN AWAY FOR SO LONG, AND IT SOUNDED OK TO ME :LOL: *cowers in corner*

  4. *sneaks into conversation* :ninja:


    My break starts next week, so I can finally work on the rest of my songs. I think I'll start with TSP...


    (oh, kind of random, but I just realized that my mom is a boardie :shifty: should I be delighted she's such a good Muser, or terrified?)


    *sneaks out of conversation*

  5. Ok this wouldve been done faster, but my algebra grade was a bit more important at the time so anyways ,I'm a little mor ethan half asleep here so please excuse the slight tempo issues as the drums come it... I think it's all good about 5 seconds after I screw up, but I'm only awake to the point where Im not even sure wtf I'm talkijg about anymore, so I'll just put the link here now or something because, yeah, I'll fix it in th emorning if I have to, Just ]lemme know.



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