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About 27 Shockwaves

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Posts posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. Ugh I hate the douchebags who try to squeeze their way up front. When I'm on the front rail or barrier or whatever at shows and people are trying to force their way in, I get the urge to stretch my legs back. I may even kick the douchebags. What a shame. My apologies. :shifty:


    I'm glad you do :phu: When I was at the barrier, some guy elbowed me in the jaw and pushed me away form the barrier :supersad: ..... But a nice girl let me stand in front of her until he moved :happy: So not everyone is bad, thankfully. He was the only douchebag I came across actually...

  2. I was moshing in Boston and people around me and the pit looked seriously miffed. Why? I don't get it. Pit...where does it come from...hmmmm...perhaps MOSH pit? It seemed like a lot of people just wanted to stand there with their arms folded, doing minimal effort head-nodding. So distressing. Why go to a show and be in the pit if you don't want to feed off of the energy of the band and the music and go NUTS?


    Oh, so I wasn't the only one who noticed that :erm: I was bracing myself against the barrier, prepared to get beaten to a bloody pulp as soon as they started playing, but all the action seemed to be in the middle. Is this how it always is, like is it just being on Chris's side that seems to calm everyone down a bit, or was it just the gig? Because honestly, I was about the only one (other than my mom :LOL:) that was fist pumping and jumping around on that side...

  3. I know what you mean. I was at the barrier in Atlanta, and still had plenty of room to jump around. From what I've been reading, the US shows so far are a lot more "tame" than others. I'm not sure how much of this is just us being "lame", or a cultural thing, but personally I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and as long as I have time to wait it out all day, I can't imagine ever having seats. It seems like the crowds have still been energetic for the most part, but not nearly as violent as I was expecting.


    For me I think it was more "tame" because I was over by Chris where it is in fact a lot more relaxed, but you're right, I don't think it would be nearly as enjoyable as it was if I had a seat. I think if someone doesn't mind getting squished by crowd surges, and has the time to wait in line for a few hours/get up very early for a wristband, then GA is the best way to go. It's definitely not as violent as I expected it to be, and I'm 4' 9" standing at a barrier!


    Unless it's sold out, I'm getting GA for every Muse gig I go to because it's pointless to have a seat if I'm not going to be sitting. There's just to much energy in the crowd and the songs to just stand there or sit down. Not to mention, GA get's some of the band's stuff afterwords ;) I got the setlist and a balloon, and almost had Chris's harmonica, but he threw it a bit too far to the left (and even though he was a total d-bag, I didn't want to elbow the guy next to me in the face).

  4. Well I just had my very first concert experience last night, and the GA wasn't at all what I expected to be completely honest....


    I was first in line for the queue, so I got a good spot to start out with, right in front of Chris with only a few people in front of me. I could see pretty well, until some really tall guy shoved his way past me and stood on my foot for a good half hour before it started. But just as Silversun Pickups were starting, a girl at the very front pulled me over to let me stand in front of her so I can be lean on the barrier :D


    The crowd was pretty relaxed over there, and I didn't get banged around too much. But If I wasn't trying to be considerate to the girl who let me in front of her, I would have really jumped around more because the more you move around, the better it tends to me, IMO. Of course I'm bruised all over from leaning on the barrier and getting elbowed in the jaw, but it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be :happy:

  5. If you think you're going to pee an excessive amount, bring disposable plastic water bottles. Drink it all, then take a piss. :p


    You know, I was just going to ask something about going to the bathroom, but.... I'm pretty sure this is an acceptable answer...:LOL::LOL:

  6. No, you will be at the front. I arrived at 8pm for the London o2 13th show and got nearish to the front just by walking down the side, it was a bit crowded though so didn't bother going too far in.


    (lol Doris fail... :chuckle:)


    So at the Boston gig, which starts at 7:00-7:30pm, if I were to go at... 3:00pm, where would I most likely be able to stand? Because it's impossible to get there anytime before that... :erm:

  7. Can't answer the others as I haven't done it myself but Chris is always on the right as you look at the stage, and that's prolly where I'd head for too, I luffs me some Chris cool :D


    Ok, thank you, that's what I was most worried about... I just don't want to be stuck in the pits or smashed up against (as many) crazy homicidal maniacs when I go to this. The goal is no broken bones :LOL:... Yay for Chris love!

  8. Very helpful thread... Woo, so I'm going to my first gig in Boston on March 6th, and I'm scared as hell :D Long story short, I'm just about 4' 9", skinny (but surprisingly strong), and 14 years old as of the concert. I'm going with my mom who's only 5' so that still doesn't help... So I have a few questions that I don't think I saw answers to yet!


    - Are people relatively easy to make friends with? It would be even better to meet some people from the boards but even, oh say... tall muscular strangers, is it easy to make friends and watch each others backs? Because I'm definitely gonna need it on the floor :LOL:


    - When you say it's best to get there early... what is considered "early"? because I do have my limits, but I still want a pretty decent spot where I'll be able to see. It won't kill me if I don't get up front, but I'm probably the shortest one attending this..


    - Aaaaand last but not least... What side is Chris expected to be on?? Not only is he my favorite, but everyone's saying it's a bit more calm over near him. Calm = good. OR even, "I'm gonna get the crap beat out of me and everything is gonna be sore, but my head will still be attached to my neck enough that I'll be able to live a few more years" = good. Anything is better than the pit :$ I'd get destroyed in the pit.



    And if any one of those gets answered, I'll just may not crap my pants before I go :D

  9. In order:


    @SC I know, the look on my face was :awesome:


    @Sapphi It's also highway robbery in the US... I had to pay almost double the price for Muse, as opposed to any other CD. $20 for Muse, $10 for everything else.


    @Mica :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: <--- "I'm a victim of smiley abuse! LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

  10. I have all the albums (minus singles and Hullabaloo) so here's my Christmas Muse load:


    A new shirt

    Black Holes and Revelations tab/sheet book

    Pins/buttons to put on my Muse hats and shirts

    $200 bucks to, quote "get some promos, effects or some other Muse related goodies."



    :awesome:<----abuse the smiley!

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