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Status Updates posted by uprising34

  1. YOUR ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Cool. Muse is playing then correct?

  3. I tis good


  4. Happy Birthday Xx_MUSE_xX

  5. YOU HAVE A CAR??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  6. THAT"S A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listewning to Undisclosed Desires by muse

  7. hmmm. 32G? That's a lot.

  8. ACTUALLY its a iphone BUT my parents took the phone part out so yea I just have a normal phone.

  9. yer. Ilike it IDK if my dad has activated it yet and my ipod touch needs to charge ill do that l8r

  10. I downloaded it. Now I'm waiting for my dad 2 get the confirmation email. Cuz I had to sign up for muse.mu SEPRATELY!!!!!!! That's a pain in the ass.

  11. LOL!!!!!!!!!!! I need to ask my dad about the muse app

  12. I think he is one. And I was joking about his gayness

  13. srsly she likes Justin Bieber

  14. srsly. My sister (8) also hates Muse.

  15. I'd have to pay my dad $3. I did (check it) and it looks kool

  16. I need 2 check the app store

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