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Status Updates posted by uprising34

  1. hahaha that is cool

  2. ok. i'm tired

  3. what do u mean who"s?

  4. just cuz I was wonderin

  5. ok. I think this girl likes me. She always kinda wants to talk to me. Is that a sign?

  6. ah. so anywho, how are you

  7. yeah neither do I

  8. the d word is dam but with a n and neither do my parents but my dad almost saw it and he would've been mad.

  9. yep. also , dont say the f word or the a word or the d word.

  10. The s word (I'm really cautious now.)

  11. hello. Also, try not to swear that much, my dad almost saw the swear word i said last night.

  12. I'mback and I see you are too.

  13. yeah. I'm gonna go soon cuz I have to eat dinner.

  14. wow. Good luck. Mexico city seems cool.

  15. you're moving?

  16. oh. I've been to Philly a lot because my grandparents live there. and LA cuz my mom's parents live there.

  17. wow so you've benn everywhere in the US? We also have other states but those were the ones that came of the top of my head. also, Philadelphia is a city so is and so is LA

  18. well, were you in the west, southwest,southeast or northeast? Northeast is like where philadelphia is. West is like Los Angeles and Washington (where I live) southwest is Texas and arizona like that it sometimes shares a border with Mexico. Southeast is florida and louisana. and east is Maryland or Virginia.

  19. ah. Where have you been in the U.S?

  20. we have tacos here too

  21. I told you United states is awesome

  22. that sucks. Here school gets out in june and begins in late august or early september.

  23. On june 11th school gets out. But apparently rumors are that a few days before school ends they have you clean your lockers then just sit in the hall and talk.

  24. oh. I'm 75% of the way through the school year

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