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Status Updates posted by Marjaana-

  1. Ahaha. :D I'm good! It's really warm here in Finland and my school is ending in just a few weeks so everything is great :awesome: How about you? And what was the dream about?? :)

  2. Yeaaah :( I want to have the old Muse back! OoS and Showbiz are so much better albums than The Resistance and NSC is nothing compared to for example Bliss and Citizen Erased.

  3. Oh Germany was just great! I spent a lot of money there and I think I'm going back thee some day :D Everything was really cheap and cool :awesome: And I went to Starbucks for the first time in my life! Oooh I loved it :D <3

    And Neutron Star Collision...... I'm not sure about that. I guess it's okay, but it would be better if Twilight didn't have anything to do with it. :( How about you? Do you like it?

  4. Yess, I agree :) I'm not sure have I heard Irish accent.... I have to check it on Youtube :D

    By the way, this packing is really annoying because I have diabetes and I have to have these certficates and everything is so strict.. But whatever :LOL:

    I'll be coming back on Thursday so let's talk then! :)

  5. Wooah that would be awesome! :D And it wouldn't be a problem that you spoke only English, because you would learn the new language :) And almost all finnish people speak English.

    Finnish is my first language, English is the second :) I also speak German and Swedish but I don't speak them as well as I speak English. I love the accent of England, it's so cute hehe :awesome:

  6. You're welcome! :awesome: How are you?

  7. I don't have an iPod but I'll take my mp3 player with me :)

    I really want to go to England! Luckily I'm going there on September :awesome: I love british accent, and everything about UK, especially England, sounds awesome. I would really love to move there some day or atleast come there as an exchange student :) That's my dream!

  8. Ooh cool! :) So many countries, I wish I had visited those too :D But maybe some day I will! But first I have to go to Germany, Bremen. I'm excited already, even though we will be there only 4 days. :) I have to pack all the stuff today. I Hope I don't forget anything important :D

  9. Hehe yeah :D Which countries have you visited?

  10. I haven't been there before. Actually that will be my first time abroad! :) And to Wembley I'm going on the second day, 9/11 :D

  11. The last exam went well, luckily! :) Couldn't you go to London in September too? There are still tickets for the first day at least. ;)

    And woo that's cool! I guess I need to go to the shop too :D Btw I'm going to Germany next week, with our German group. We are going to Bremen and we'll be there 4 days. I'm excited about that too. :awesome:

  12. Hey! How are you? :) I have been studying to my last exams (the last one is tomorrow yay!) and then I've been planning our trip to London, in September, to see Muse. We will go to Teignmouth and Exeter (to Manson's Guitars) and I'm very excited about that! :D I can't wait!

  13. Gooood luck to the GCSE! And btw, what's GCSE about? :D

  14. Haha yeah that's what I thought! :D And yes I had a great day :)

  15. Oh nice :) And It's on the 2nd of May (::

  16. Oh yes, I had another concert, though we only played one song :) And I'm going at my friends' to spend May Day! :awesome: One of my friends has also got her birthday tomorrow so we'll celebrate it too today :) How about you? Do you celebrate May Day? :D

  17. Wooops I weren't online :LOL::)

  18. Ainiin joo :facepalm: "...Ja varo sillä lukios on paljon vaaroja viinaa, naisia, huumeita. Itekkin sain puukosta harva se päivä ku olin sielä."

    Joo on se meses :D

  19. Hmm..... Riikkahan vois käskeä Antin sinne :LOL: Mä en ainakaan haluis meidän äitiä sinne......

  20. Siis kyllä :awesome: Mut ääh siellä pitää olla joku aikuinen mukana :facepalm: blaaah

  21. Woaaah olis kyllä siistii :D Mut mehän voitais olla siel kaupungilla ja ehkä nähdä ne siellä! :happy:

  22. Wow cool :D And yeah it's ok :)

  23. hei mä katoin niitä laiva-juttuja niin maksais melkein 60 euroo risteily turusta tukholmaan. saatais olla tukholmassa yks päivä :)

  24. Oh it's Apocalyptica - Path

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