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Status Updates posted by micaelams

  1. hey! i have an idea, how about we do a thread named: the :awesome: series ???? and put there the whole story!, i cant do it if you want :awesome:

  2. yes! of course you can! join the group! in'' about me'' its the group with the :awesome: smiley crying!

  3. yay! im back! i got my mom's mac, wooohooo, ill now read what you continued :awesome:

  4. good too... im going now, so please dont finish the story, and tomorrow we´ll proceed :awesome:, its f:rolleyes: hilarious!

  5. hey! im here... cracking myself with laughter! :awesome: and you?

  6. ok... do two things: hide you age (user cp>edit your details> erase your age) and in your sig put muse in caps:MUSE

    ok, hope that helped :awesome:

  7. thats true!!! wait!!! noo.. dont do that! :facepalm: just hide it... no one likes liars! :LOL:


  8. no its not! its really funny, but since you are 11 people are gonna missunderstand so you should´nt show your age till 13... or maybe 12, cuz you dont know who is around this boards... :stunned:



    :awesome:<---LOVE IT!

  9. oh.... jamie, you have to put ´´save´´ after editing your signature... cuz i cant see anything in your sig, maybe you didnt clik save

  10. k, now ill go chek it!

  11. realy? THATS :awesome: matt and me sahre the same mont :awesome:

  12. you can only put 1 pic and there it says, signature pic, you put browse (examinar, en espanol)and selevt and image, then you clik upload and then you clik insert it wherever you want! (yay! im helping somebody! :awesome: )

  13. oh! thats cool! revolver is :awesome:!

  14. sgt. pepper (f:rolleyes: long name...)....., let it be naked, twist and shout, and the beatles in abbey road :awesome:

  15. look, at the top left corner it says: user cp (clik it) and then it says a list of stuff, you just have to clik in edit signature! and there it is for you to edit it :awesome:

  16. yes, they are at my father's houes :D:awesome:

  17. its f:rolleyes: hot... i cant wait to go to exchange program to washington this year... I HATE SUMMER! :LOL: and in yours?

  18. eres dominicana?? si... yo hablo espanol muy bien :D! thanks for saying that about my name :awesome: <---join my :awesome: smiley group!

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