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Status Updates posted by micaelams

  1. ok... do two things: hide you age (user cp>edit your details> erase your age) and in your sig put muse in caps:MUSE

    ok, hope that helped :awesome:

  2. really? i love snow and cold winters! thats why i'd love to live there... here in peru is f:rolleyes: hot... even if its winter!...

    oh, and i love italy too! i think its awesome! i want to go to visit italy as soon as i finish school! :D

  3. right now im in lima, peru, so here tv is like retarded.... not stupid, i mean well you'll understand when i say this: tonight im going to watch SNL with muse, its like everything is a week old... just saying, since you brought the dr who topic up.... i dont watch dr who, i like comedys :D, im so excited SNL MUSE!!! :awesome::dance:

    how are you doin?

  4. RLY? y did she wanted u 2 kill urself????!!!!!


    oh, and washington's :awesome:! my host's name is dayna and she's really nice!

  5. Si... Aqui nos estamos congelando demasiadooo!!!! Hoy fue mi primer dia de clases y casi todos estan locos! Jajaja y hay 2 chicos ke son DEMASIADO lindos! Y en mi clase de arte como ke ahi un chico ke lleva su mac y deja ke las personas compren musica para escuchar y puse plug in baby y..... A TODOS LES GUSTA MUSE!!!! estoy muy felizzzz!!!! Y habia como ke un panl ke decia amused y lw tome una foto... :facepalm: jajaja, te juro ke todavia no me acabo mis caramelos!!!!! Jajaja...

    Que mal ke estes enferma... Es todo culpa del calentamiento global!!! :mad:

    y.... Ke tallll??????

  6. sorry for not answering your reply, sing :), i'm alright, i made a new thread yesterday at 4 am (i was really tired and bored.) about what do your friends think about muse?

    how are you today?

  7. thanks! god! ure the only person that has talked 2 me not in a pity-way... and i swear im trying... im watching lots of interviews :D, but the most diffcult thing is that people are old this threads... not old-old... but like 40-or 20... im 13, and i really want 2 fit in so ill try


    thanks 4 the help :D

  8. thats true!!! wait!!! noo.. dont do that! :facepalm: just hide it... no one likes liars! :LOL:


  9. well, it is true, before i signed up i entered to the funnt threads :D,


    how are you?

  10. wich location you talkin a----

    aaahhhhhhhhhhhh i get it... well, you dont get it cuz you have to read ALL the lolz in the ''lolz'' thread, haha, and yeah... uprising tddies are meeeeeeeeeeaaaaan :chuckle:

  11. WOW! 10 year olds??? *feels like a big girl*... tehe... i come from peru but every summer i go to san francisco (i have an apartment there, thats why my english is really good...i speak spanish too, i know some japanese, croatian, and italian too *feels proud*), because i really just have family here till my grandparents from mom's part of the family, all my other family members are in croatia, scotland, london italy, the US....... and other european countries... so i really dont feel like a peruvian :(, but i love the food! i have some peruvian family in cuzco though...

    well... and i dont look like a peruvian... im reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally pale... i have dark green eyes and curly short dark brown hair... my friends say i look like a f:rolleyes: vampire.... (its all my european family's fault!!!!!) (my dream is to live in london :awesome: )

    (oh god... when i talk about my family i talk a lot.. its so complicated... i say all this because most of the people say i dont look peruvian :(, and i wanted to explain why)

    anyways.... you are from US right? tell me about your family too! :D


    no... i havent been to any muse concerts...no one in peru likes them :( so i dont think theyre coming in a while, but i love going to concerts :D

  13. wow.... matt is really short... wow... HE IS AS TALL AS MY FATHER! hahahhahaha well.. im like as tall as you :D ...

    its really bad you feel like that ( i hope my grandmother's advice helped something....)

    well, its not so late but you should get some sleep since you are feeling bad :(

  14. X ke asi? Que paso?

    Yo estot bien :awesome:

  15. yay! we both want to live in england :awesome:, you are muscular?? you are so lucky! i look like a stick... and the doctor says i should gain lots of more weight... but i love me for who i am :awesome:!


    well... all day i've been in muse threads... and in the morning i was at my grandparents house.... then my dad picked us up (both my brother and i) and now im at my parents house (my prents arent toghether so... they split weeks so both can be with us)... and i watched SNL all excited thinking they would put the chapter when muse appear but latin american tv is retarded (thats how i call it instead of late or not up to date because besides not beign up to date , it needs subtitles for SONY! i mean... who that wants to watch sony doesnt know english?? well... i say that just because im pissed with sony... ) well... and here in lima its 2:38 am... but my dad is talking with some friends in the living room... since when we had dinner my dad got all italian and drank wine now he wont sleep, and from my room i can hear him laughing and talking.... that's good because now i can be awake to be here :ninja:... well i dont have a time to go to sleep but if he wasnt with his friends he would be telling me that im too obssessed with the laptop and that i should stop using it...

    (:LOL: im writing a LOT lately....)

    so how was YOUR day?

  16. yes... it is awful... but then the good part is you can adore matt and dom and still keep on with your life! (just imegine a gut adoring them...:chuckle: creepy...)

    me too... i sat lonely alone while my little brother asked me: why dont you enter to the pool mica? and i went: because im freezing..:shifty:

    :LOL: anyway.. beign girl is :awesome:!

  17. you write also?? i wrote this short story (in spanish) about two brothers... well... everything i write is really sad... they both die :LOL:(but i won #1st place in literature in my whole school and got a diploma :awesome:), and i can´t finish any manga comics too...

    what are your stories about?

  18. your welcome :happy:


    yes! i was helpful :awesome:

  19. *haciendo clik en follow* ya esta! :D

  20. awww thx! happy vday 2 u 2 :) i havent been on da boards loooong time haha

  21. awww... its a pity u feel worse... but its good your grandparents are coming over, they always give you more gifts :D

  22. awwww..... is it because the girl u beat up? why did sh tell you to go to hell????

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