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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. What english contest, in your school?:awesome: Rain:awesome: well at least its not snowing more like it is in sweden:fear: I hope it will be okey, It was just a test to see how much you can, Im still going big time on the national test:yesey:

  2. Maa.

    :LOL: Hur har din dag varit?:happy:
  3. :LOL: Yeah, the only album that i actually use is The resistance cause I have two of them:LOL: WHat contest:eek::dance: My day was hmm. I dont know, I didnt really have time to finish all the english essay thing but its already over:supersad::LOL:I always think to hard and dont start writing until theres 30 minutes left:facepalm:
  4. Ha! Dont know about Prague now:LOL: Wasted 10£ on that. Well its not like I would listen to it, just decorative:LOL:HAAh How was your day?:LOL:

  5. Nothing just craving for attention:LOL: Whut shit on he resistance cd:eek:?


  7. :supersad:aWWw, you can have fun with ddyoujdknowsjwhoo:LOL: Miss yaa :kiss::LOL: See ya tomorrow:D

  8. Naah, I love school and english:p But Im tired:LOL: YOU MUST LOVE SCHOOL, YOU MUST OBEY YOUR MASTER:fear: Night:kiss:

  9. Haha I can see that, you're still hyper:LOL: I have to sleep I have a English test tomorrow:dance:

  10. Cause Im the chickenMASTER:eek::yesey: Aww, I have to go now, too much drama going on :LOL::facepalm:ksjhfdkjyouskknowdhwho..See ya tomorroww:kiss: misss ya alreadyyyyy, ha! just joking:LOL: No seriously miss yaa:kiss: nah just joking:p naah seriouussss:p

  11. Anyway I have to go, see ya tomorrow:D Night

  12. What thoughts:LOL::eek: Yes Its your number:fear: The chicken is too big?!:eek::LOL:

  13. No you dont :eek: If you suck then what am I:supersad::eek:

  14. :LOL: You still have that chicken in your fridge:awesome:

    If you dont wear it now, I will travel to romania and take you Bellamy himself to eat:eek:

    Yes i will:yesey:

  15. Im not eating cheese:LOL: I like cheese to:facepalm: I love drawing but not epic at it. Also music Wow we have a lot in common:LOL::awesome:

  16. :LOL: I could dress you as a chicken and matt would react soo fast, he would get his knife and start running after you. Now thats the way to die:yesey::LOL:
  17. AHA!:yesey: I should reconsider thinking next time:facepalm::LOL:

  18. :LOL: DRAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA::LOL: I believe you:eek: I think you´ll do it to, So im not alone:LOL:
  19. The bermuda triangle is a area that covers from Florida to Bermuda to Puerto Rico, if you draw a line between them you'll make a triangle. There have happened paranormal stuff there with aircrafts and surface vessels, you should check it up, very intresting:p

  20. Oh Im sorry, I never ment to hurt you or anything, Your post caught my attention so I told Yellow cause your friends:happy: I dont think your dumb or anything if you mean it that way, You're just fun:awesome: I think this board needs you:yesey:

  21. I was to caught up by my friends on msn messenger:LOL: They are lkdfjslkfjdjhskfjhkfds:LOL:

  22. HEEEII, sooryyy:LOL:

  23. WOOPS, fogot to change language:facepalm::LOL:

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