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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Hes done what?...Sorry Im slow:LOL:

  2. :LOL::ninja: You're fierceee! Go get him giiirll:LOL: Naaw, that's so sweet:happy: He's into ya:yesey::awesome:
  3. Yes you areeeeeeee:awesome: I checked our schools facebook page at 11.40 that they will open the school for students to get their material and stuff only to 12.00. So I had to run there to get there in time:LOL: But I made it:LOL: And then I came back and studied and watched the same episode of top gear 3 times:LOL::facepalm: and you?:happy:

  4. Cool, soo he's older than you, oh lala :chuckle: I had to say that sorry:LOL: I love to oh lala at everything:LOL: Hahah:chuckle::ninja: What does your friend think about that?:ninja:

  5. AAhh I love early muse:LOL: Stayin' alive staying alive ahahahah stayyin' aliveeeee. YES YOU WILL:awesome:

  6. AJg kan inte logga in på msn:fear: Varfööööööööööööööööör????? Jag är uttropstecken:yesey:

  7. Spongeboob:chuckle: I mean spongebob:LOL: :awesome: Oh lala do we have a teenage romance going on..;):yesey: I don't have myspace too:LOL:

  8. I love bejeweled too 'cause my uncle has that on his computer, but not on facebook,..:LOL:

  9. Farmville:LOL: My brother and sister went through that period.:LOL: I've decided not to begin with any of the addictive games there:LOL: Only Uno:awesome: cause I pwn everyone and you can chat:LOL:

  10. :LOL: Yes but it hates me:LOL:Facebook user *highfive*:LOL:
  11. facebook keeps fuckin' upp:noey::fear:If you'll find me in jail tomorrow, you'll know what I murdered!:fear::facepalm::LOL:

  12. Whyy would you beee crazzyyy you crazy kidd!?:lol:EDIT: WHATS WRONG WITH CAPS?DIE DORIS DIEE!

  13. :LOL: No I suck at stuff like that the most creative I came up with was Sing for Appsolution, App of your head, Apprising, Our App will be victorious:facepalm: and stuff like that:LOL: You?
  14. NOOOOOOO! Then i'll let you eat dombread:ninja: Whait that's dumb:LOL::facepalm: I dont have aim:wtf: Don't know what it is:LOL: It wont let me acces stupid msn messenger:fear: Do you have a lot of musers in your school?:happy:

  15. Yes, she is:fear::LOL: Im fine how are you:happy: I don't know your real name:eek::eek:tell me or else I'll make you eat onions:ninja:


  17. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey:lol:EDIT: Stupid Doris, wont let me use to much caps:LOL:

  18. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej:LOL:EDIT: CP LÅTER MIG INTE ANVÄNDA CAPS:fear: TROR DU ATT DU ÄR TUFF ELLER?EDIT: BRA DORIS BRAAAAA!:fear::LOL:

  19. byee good luck youre awesome:awesome:

  20. :LOL:yes you should:yesey::LOL: Im hungry for some onions :LOL: NO but breakfast:LOL:

  21. :LOL: I dont wanna go to school to pick em up in to lazy:LOL:
  22. Yes you are:LOL: Right now it's about the middle ages. Yes we also have 24 h :LOL:

  23. Its 10.04. You do go after the 24 h time thing or do you have am. and pm?

  24. You are incredible:LOL:History and Math books:happy: I have a exam next week:LOL:

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