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Everything posted by Maa.


  2. hellonnono:awesome:GUESS WHAT!:LOL:

  3. I just saw 2 episodes today but twice. They are so hilarious:LOL:I didnt have school today either will I have tomorrow:awesome:I LOVE SNOW:LOL:

  4. Det är stängt pga snön på taken, det finns en risk att dem rasar eller något:LOL:Den finns också att beställas på cdon.com http://cdon.se/b%C3%B6cker/beaumont%2c_mark/out_of_this_world_the_story_of_muse-7581792:awesome: EDIT: Kolla på vad de personer som köpt den boken också köpt (åt höger på sidan):facepalm::vomit:

  5. FAAN SVERIGE:'( Ja dom vann bästa hemsida och slog därför Youtube, facebook och twitter:eek::awesome: Och Matt vann också Hottets Male:LOL: Deras reaktioner när dom hörde det:LOL:

    Jag mår bra, det är faktist andra dagen mitt gymnasium är stängt:LOL::awesome:

  6. NOOOOO goes to check NME thread. Naaw Byee I always wake up that time:LOL: BYEEE GOOD LUCK ND SLEEP WEEEEELL:kiss:

  7. You're still on the top:awesome:

    Ohh I don't know, it's kind of negative now, cause I need my math books cause I have a exam next week on thursday:eek: But I'll read and do some Spanish tomorrow cause I got the books:LOL:

  8. Hej, hur mår du?:LOL:

  9. English excercise we had yesterday:LOL: We were supposed to add adverb and adjectives to the empty places, and give X a name:LOL: We chose Fat:LOL: I was bored:LOL:

  10. I first met Björn when I was at fat. Björn is fat, and talks fatly. When I hug Björn he feels fat. When I kiss björn he tastes fat. Björn is not only fat, he is fat.EDIT:No you're awesome, I bet your the best in your class!

  11. WHAAT""1!!!! You're not even close to sucking at english!:LOL: i don't think I was as good as you when I was your age....YOU WILLLLL:fear:

  12. Maa.

    HEEEEJ:LOL: Edit: Jävla cp låter mig inte använda för mycket caps!:LOL:

  13. :eek: YOu areeeeeeeeeeee!!!Naawww poor you, you've had a busyschool week, well actually last week also..:supersad:
  14. NOOO I DONT how did you know:eek::shifty:sorry for the failish late reply :dance:


  16. Cool:awesome: Today I saw 4 episodes of Top gear today:awesome::LOL:And another episode just started now:dance::awesome: I didn't have school today hence all the Tv watching:LOL:

  17. Byee:kiss:sleep well

  18. Yes they where putting 198somthings on VH1 today:awesome: What does michael have to do with this?:LOL:

  19. :LOL: I KNOOWW. Yesss Finally someone who believes that theory:yesey: I KNOW SHE DID!:fear:
  20. Microsoft Office Word:LOL:HAMOAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:LOL::facepalm:


    Sooo sorry for the late reply, I was helping my mum with word:LOL: They have some english song too:awesome:

  22. No they're not, not even close:fear:They dont sound like them either:phu: And how do you know, are you a tokio hotel fan?:eek::vomit: :LOL:MOHAHAHAHA

  23. :LOL: Reminds me of slipknot, the video:awesome::LOL: That's romanian isnt it?The chorus is very catchy, Headbanged trough it all:LOL::awesome: I translated it and got : vines-bass and big drum:LOL:

    Got it in my head now:LOL:Bbbbbaaaassssuuuullllll ssssshhhhiiiiii ccccuuuuuuu tttttooooobbbbbbbaaaaaa mmmmmmmaaaaarrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee:awesome:

  24. I Can't cause you messed up my head by saying "param pam" what the hell is that:LOL::noey:

    Ok Kent-Töntarna, cause Im listening to that:LOL::facepalm:

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