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Status Updates posted by hunterrunfarm

  1. What'd you end up with? I got sect 122 E9-10 in Columbus and sect 6(p1) C7-C9 in Cincy.

  2. It kind of worries me, but I have heard alot of people on here say they take their kids and its fine as long as you are in seats. (I hope so:unsure:, she really wants to go) (also as long as my husband is with me to help keep an eye on her and protect her,lol) We took her to the Jonas Brothers last year..but I dont count that:rolleyes::LOL: I might just take her to Columbus, and maybe take my 22 yr old niece to Cincy. I dont know yet, I think Ill get the seat tickets for both then decide between now and Nov. :LOL:

  3. yes, I was SO happy they are coming to Columbus!! and Cincinnati too, Im trying to figure out if I can do both nights.

  4. I'd like to do seats at one and GA at the other, my daughter (who will be 8) is going to want to come to at least one of them, so I'd probably get seats. Like you said, not much time to make our minds up. Yes, lets meet at the Columbus one! :)

  5. YAY!!! They are coming to Columbus in November!!!! I am so happy!!:D:D:D (and Cincinnati too....Im trying to figure out if I can do both:LOL:)

  6. Im on birdboard now. I must have registered at one point on there :rolleyes:but never used the forum, they had my user id (same as here, my horse business name...easier for me to remember, my brain is getting old:p) Looks like theres alot of great info on there. Thanks!:)

  7. Hi! Im in Lancaster! Ive got a 7 yr old daughter (who loves Muse too) Im glad to hear there are other moms my age on here, some days I feel old with all the teens on here;):LOL:. I really hope Muse comes to Columbus this fall. I wanted to go to Detroit but couldnt get out of town that weekend :((we have horses and it is impossible to get away sometimes) but, I will not miss them this next time...I hope they at least come to Ohio.

  8. Thanks I'll check it out. Barney was clipped when I got him, but I havent clipped him at all in the past year. He will fly around the house if he wants to be where we are, but I havent had any problems with him and don't really see the need to clip him.;) He has a harness that I put on him to take him outside. (we take him camping with us,lol :LOL:)

  9. They are adorable!! I love Greys! It is amazing how smart they are. I have some pics of Barney on FB, and there might be some on my myspace, he's part of the family. My husband thought I was nuts when I got him, but he loves him too.(hes always teaching crazy stuff) (Barney loves Muse, and dances and tries to sing like Matt...still needs some work on that,lol) No, Im not on any parrot forums, do you recommend any good ones?

  10. Hi, I saw the African Greys on your pic...are they yours? We have an African Grey Timneh, hes 8 yrs old, and keeps us laughing.

  11. Sorry to hear you horse isnt doing well. I had to put a stallion I owned down a couple years ago, I still miss him, I didnt want him to suffer but it was so hard to do. My daughters Shetland has laminitis, he has foundered before, we are trying to get him straightened up so she can show him. I dread the day when something happens to him, he is her best friend. Ive got pics on myspace and facebook of some of our horses, I need to try to get some on here, but am just figuring out how to use the forum,lol.

  12. I love your horse! I breed and show Quarter horses. (majored in Equestrian in college)

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