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Status Updates posted by Lemonpiepie

  1. I'm going on my own if I can, or with my sister, but at this stage it looks like I'll be on my own, I'm thinking the easy option will be catching a bus overnight on the 11th, I just dont know how I will get back.


    Somehow I dont think they will do a show in melbourne apart from GV.


    I really hope I can go, I wanna see them before the go on hiatus.

  2. Hey have you heard that the Killers are doing one underage sideshow in sydney? its on the 12 of feb and tickets go on sale wednesday. I'm gonna try go.

  3. :awesome: Hope your sister likes it aswell
  4. No need to pay me back, just helping out fellow fans : )

  5. Hey, I sent them off today so they should be coming soon : )

  6. Okay then 2 posters it is :) nine left to go > . >


    I don't know when I'll be able to send them, hopefully at the start of next week.

  7. Bernard in those glasses, you intantly have my respect : )

  8. Well I could go into town tomorrow and see if I could pick up a few more, I'll probaly be able to send it on Monday?

  9. http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs51/f/2009/286/4/7/Muse_Madness_by_lemonpiepie.jpg


    They are really quite huge, pictures don't do them justice. If you want one just ask, I seem to have ended up with an embarassing amount o . o

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