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Everything posted by Isia.x33

  1. I've seen them once in Poland.

    Because no one wanted to go Wembley with me! :LOL: None of my mates like Muse enough to pay so much for the tickets. :LOL:

    I'm learning Spanish in school. But I suck at it. :rolleyes:

  2. I'm going Poland probably. That's where I'm from. :happy: But I live in Uk now.

    I was thinking about coming back from holidays early and going Reading. But I have no one to go with. :mad: So I guess that's not going to work. :rolleyes:

    How about you?

  3. Aw, your birthday is coming soon. :happy:

    But I can't wait to get out of my school. Start everything again. It will be cool. :)

    Sometimes I can't stand some people in my school. :stunned:

  4. I'm 15. I'm in year 10 now. One year left and I can leave school and go to college.:eek: Damn, I'm scared.

    So technically, I finish school when I'm 18, too. :happy:

  5. I know! :LOL: But I kinda get why they are doing it. I have one year of high school left, after all. :eek:

    Haha. But you have to admit, it is a bit boring. :D

  6. I felt sick and stuff. Not cool.

    I have to work for 2 weeks. You know, they want us to "get ready for adult life". :LOL: I'll be working in a hospital. ..

    I am faffing around on internet. I'm bored. My life sucks. :D

  7. I kinda bunked school today. :LOL:

    But I have work experience to do, before I go for holidays. So I finish school around 10th of July. :wtf:

    2,5 weeks left? Woah, you're lucky.

  8. I've spend my day sketching random stuff. So I've been productive. :LOL:

    How about you?

  9. Nothing much, as always.

    I'm here not that often. So it's nice to talk to someone.,

  10. Hi there. I'm alright.

    How about you?

  11. Happy Birthday from me too.! <3

    You're the best. You rock. Simply.

  12. mine as well.xd

  13. happy birthday...! - that's all can say. and thank You for being a MUSE part. xd

    Thank You.

  14. You're the best.! You rock Dom.!

  15. Muse changed my life, and the way i think. in a good way, i mean.

    I want You to play anpther gig in UK next year. xd Please...? ^_^

  16. i agree. he can wear any thing and have his hair died any coulor. - still look good. <3
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