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Status Updates posted by Isia.x33

  1. hello this is dom from twitter /o/

  2. no omg, they did say ily in the lats chapter so it toooook a looong time

  3. its great, im such a little fangirl oh :c

  4. ive read it like what, 5 times? i saved the word file on my laptop so you know wink wink

    i also have a blog about wicked and dp's fanfics in general oops ~ fangirl

  5. holy shit youre right :O

  6. well hello darling :eyebrows:

  7. Nah. I'm being all lazy and sleeping. As always.

    Well, you can say i'm good. I dunno. D:

    I'm just waiting for Monica to be back soon. :D

  8. Ah, everything's good.

    I was sketching a bit earlier. So everything's normal. :)

    How are you?

  9. Cheers!

    Damn, I never win anything. This is fabulous! :D

  10. I know, right?! -.- It's all because of this damn work experience thing. :facepalm: Oh, well.

    Spain? Damn, my mum just came back from Spain. xD


    I have to learn my coursework throughout summer. Can you believe that?! :eek:

    Oh, yes! I really can't wait. And apparently, I'm not allowed to dye my hair again. Which I will do, anyway. :stunned:

  11. Aaaah, I can't wait to go swimming. D:


    So where are you now? For holidays, I mean.

    I'm still going to school on monday. -.- For 2 hours or something. So bang. :stunned:

    But after that, freedom! :happy:

  12. I've watched Kurt Cobain About A Son film. For no reason. ...

    And... Gosh, I've been lazy for the whole day! xD


    How are your holidays? I'm going off to Poland on the 14th. :happy:

  13. Hey there! :D Yeah, a while, isn't it?

    I'm on this stupid work experience thing... I've done a week in a hospital and now I'm in Waterstones bookshop. And I saw David Tennant. :happy:

    But anyway.

    How are you, huh? ;)

  14. A guy that plays in Eastenders goes to my school, you know. He plays Liam Butcher. :LOL: Jimmy Forde.

    Bye. ;) x

  15. They do, I bet they do. But sometimes they publish the same stuff on the same day. :LOL:

    Aww, thanks. :happy: It's mostly random though. :LOL:

  16. No, not really. Just drawing that damn thing. :LOL:

    Nme has the same stuff that Kerrang site has, really. But I still check both. :LOL:

    Thanks. ;)

  17. Oh, If you only've seen my school diary... Woah. :LOL:

    That's true, I check NME nearly 10 minutes. Even though nothing has changed. xD

    And off-course tumblr. xD

    Still am. :D I was planning on finishing it today, but It looks like I will carry it on till tomorrow. -.- Off course, if I miss the night, then I'll finish it today. :LOL:

  18. I spend my day on tumblr. :happy: It's my second life these days. And I sketch. I'm not good, obviously. But I like it.

    I listen to music a lot. :D But who doesn't?

    What do you do? :)

  19. As a matter of fact, yes. :LOL: I was wondering what else to put in it.

    I can't believe I have to go school tomorrow. -.- :mad: That is what one extra day off school does to you...

    Same here, internet is alwasy the way out! :D

  20. The gig I went to was a small festival. But they played Bliss. :happy: I could not ask for more. And Starlight, off-course. :)

    I think it's something from celtic culture. Hell if I know. xD I just like the design.

    What are you up to?

  21. No, but they played Guiding Light. :facepalm::LOL:

    But they played Bliss, too. So it was cool. :happy:

    Triskelion it's three spirals in a circle. Doesn't sound interesting, right?

    And thank you. :)

  22. It's popular. And obviously, Matt likes to torture people with it. :LOL: But I dunno. It's the best cover of that song I've heard. :LOL:

    Oh, Citizen Erased is amazing. It's like, 3 songs in one. :happy: When I think about Citizen Erased, I think Bliss for some reason.

    I'm in the middle of sketching a triskelion. :LOL: I have no idea why I'm even doing it, to be honest. I have lot's of Art coursework to do, and here I am, doing random bullshit I don't even need.

  23. I'm from West London. Not really a good place. :rolleyes:

    My mate knows Can't Take My Eyes Of You, Supermassive Black Hole, Feeling Good. Oh, yeah. That's their favourite. :LOL: Feeling Good. And Uprising, yeah. :rolleyes:

    My favourite is.. probably Starlight. :D But I like the older stuff more. Oos/Absolution. The vibe was... woah. :happy: I like any song with piano/keyboard in it. xD

    What's yours?

  24. I live in London. :happy:

    I used to learn German when I lived in Poland. All I remember is how to count to 10 and how to say shit. That's very usefull. :LOL:

    There's one guy in my school that actually likes them. But we don't talk, anyway. :LOL: So I'm left out. But my mates are forced to know at least 5 songs by Muse. Because of me. :happy:

  25. I've seen them once in Poland.

    Because no one wanted to go Wembley with me! :LOL: None of my mates like Muse enough to pay so much for the tickets. :LOL:

    I'm learning Spanish in school. But I suck at it. :rolleyes:

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