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Everything posted by Coyblythe

  1. Same here Although I still adore his long hair... that's really wolstenhot too And I love how Chris is using twitter more often and the footies... I think me and all other PCT-Chris-Fans knew why they loved him even before he started to persuade everyone else <-- even more proud Wolsten-Lover now
  2. Haha you're right I love that pic because I really like The Rasmus and Lauri is such a cute guy like he was soooooooo nervous before he interviewed them because.... they were his favorite band back then Oh I'm so happy atm! I've got a letter from university. The minor subject I applied for has restricted admission and......I was accepted Oh and the subject I'm relating to is political science... guess Matt would be pwoud of me now
  3. Jesus... Christ *imitates Chwis badly* Do you know wich gig that's from? Yes... Faust is 100times more exiting than Harry Potter (Don't take me seriously I'm just obsessed with Goethe and it's late... of course HP is easier to read )
  4. Faust would've been a good distraction Haha and I'm also commenting films while watching So I'm always imitating the characters saying "I loveee youu" just a few seconds before they are really saying it It has been posted on the Lolz Thread recently and just needs to be right here
  5. Aww thank you Allison wtf Dom: "dislikes: people who talk in films" Does he mean people which are talking while watching a film? Anyone knows why Matt's column is empty? I can imagine Absence of internet is maximum penalty
  6. Happy Birthday :party::dance:

  7. I LOVE HIM TOO But somehow it's strange to compare him to Chris but with this hair... xD And that pic is awesome. Hair-gasm Gotta go now girls... shopping. I've heard a market here got Band T-shirts for sale. Someone on the german thread brought a (veryyyy big) Muse-Shirt for 4€ so I hope they also sell smaller shirts for that price too + wearing my new Muse-shirt today = awesome
  8. That's nice I love how the trees and meadows are everywhere although there are so many multi-storey buildings Do you know if there was a river at some time? This one street and it's course looks like that. We also got a city here where they build a street right where the river has been :/
  9. What kind of desert do you live in,Melanie? I'm really fascinated by those egyptian deserts with pyramids and stuff but I guess that's not where you're living? Omg now I know why I always loved the landscape of switzerland ♥ When we traveled to Italy with school our bus crossed your country and I was really impressed how "clean" it was. You know.... in germany you'll find rotten branches at the roadside and as soon as we got into Switzerland the nature was so clean. No rubbish on the ground and now branches at the bottom of the trees
  10. Wow girls... You're not posting all day (for me) and as soon as I'm asleep you start posting like there's no tomorrow Good Morning Yeahh you're right PMT is quite hot too I'm reading at as well as the PCT. But i prefer posting here because we've got a more familiar vibe here and the PMT is so crowded OMG you're awesome I've seen that you were talking about where you're all living? So here's my village: On the first picture u can nearly see our house The whole village lays on a hillslide and... they say that we've got the "cleanest air of whole germany" and that it's a climatic spa ... I wonder how they found out because it really stinks here with all those farmers
  11. Of course it's warm and cosy over there because..there can only be ONE thread super-hawwt and that's PCT I also spent the day doing nothing but I was sitting on my bed not in the sun... reading NME Special And tomorrow I'll go shopping... wearing my new Museshirt (uploaded a pic in my gallery) and... that's the best thing about tomorrow:happy: But now I'll go to sleep. Musey dreams for you Marta
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