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Status Updates posted by hyperactivesteph

  1. Haha it's okies. I have been quite busy myself. Got a busy week ahead of me too... Been invited to a BBQ party on Sunday :dance:. Free food and free booze and a great party with people who I know? Can't get any better then that :happy:. I am also spending some time with my boyfriend and going on shopping trips :happy:


    I more than just wish we heard it at Manchester! I am sure we will hear it at some point in our lives :happy:


    She could sell her ticket on Ebay? I earned a profit on selling my P!ATD tickets the other day. I gained about £10 profit. Not much but still. I had to sell them because I have other plans which I have to go to. I am seeing them at Leeds anyway :happy:

    I think I am going to our local Jazz festival in Nantwich but that's about it really... There is one in my town too where Funeral for a Friend are playing but I can't go :erm:... Sucks. My best friend's band is supporting them too... I wish i was going to glastonbury!


    I have been good :happy: You?

    And not really. Just been out and about and seeing local bands really :). You?

  2. They are rather strange but rather amusing!! :LOL:

    :LOL: It's better then trying to think of it on your own?


    Are you feeling good with this stockholme syndrome?


    Probably too many for me to afford :chuckle: It's usually around 5-15.

    I hope they do too but i swear to god if they play bliss i will be crying my eyes out knowing if i had the money i would be there!


    :yesey: Metal/rock they have avenged sevenfold though and system of a down and other bands like penduleum! :yesey: I will be in spain then, the line up has been announced a couple of weeks back... It's pretty rubbish in my eyes to be honest lol.


    Indeed you are!

  3. Very true his eyes are just stunning!!

    Haha yes they do! Same with funky ones which look like chickens o.0...

    Oh i can remember my view of the stage! I am quite happy that i can remember that bit :p


    I thought you were invincible? :eek:


    :yesey: I hoping for all their UK dates be a hardcore fan :chuckle: thats of course if i get a job to afford all this atm i am broke! :supersad: apperently they are doing leeds/reading but i am not sure if that is true...


    I love arcade fire too :awesome: I will :happy: there is download which is near me but i can't make it seeing how i will be on holiday :supersad:... Ooo i hope you can come to V festival! We can be tent neighbours :awesome:!!!


    :chuckle: Blackmail is always the best thing when you were sober looking after people!!!

  4. No guy's back can beat dom's in a million years!!! :eyebrows:

    Unless he has a glow in the dark condom on then it isn't very worrying... :chuckle:

    Nope not just you :p!!! After all muse give us blackout all the time from their sexyness :chuckle:


    :LOL:!!! Let's just hope to escape this mental stop with thinking of song names haha!!!


    He does eat a lot of cheese! It's surprising he is still around now! :eek:


    :chuckle: Sorta is better then not at all!!! :awesome:

    :awesome: Oh yes we should make sure!!! I am planning on doing a UK tour when muse come back and go to all their UK dates :awesome: that's if i have enough money!!!


    I am going to see Panic! At The Disco in April at manchester and Arcade Fire in Manchester too this year well excited :chuckle:


    Haha it's great! It means you can drink loads and not have to worry about the morning after :happy:

    Aww it sucks being the one to look after everyone!!!


    :awesome: Added!!! :happy:

  5. That back is the sexiest back i have ever seen :eek:

    I will be a bit worried if it glowed...

    I can remember bits and bobs but at the gig itself i think i forgot instantly some parts from being so high from musegasms :LOL:


    Me too :supersad: I was enjoying that :chuckle:


    I will watch it at some point then :awesome:

    :eek: How can you be scared of it?! I was scared of that wrong trousers one... The dog scared me too much.


    Nope i only met one :supersad:


    I know right! I had about 3 glass of the stuff with lemonade last night :awesome: along side a large glass of red wine and red bull with vodka :happy:. And i don't have a hang over! :happy:


    Do you have facebook? I think you should add me if you do :p.

  6. :eek: Didn't think of that but by god we will see his arse and everything else!!! :eyebrows: by god no it didn't!!! It was so tight...


    Hopefully we will end up in pure bliss :eyebrows:


    I don't think i have ever watched shaun the sheep... And i have no idea what the kids shows are like any more :erm:... I love wallace and gromit with all my heart though :awesome:


    I miss summer too much for my own good. But thankfully it's coming :happy:!!!! i never get sunburnt bad. I just ended up red for a bit and then it went down and went to nice brown it didn't even peel :awesome:... I am too good fun pwoper sunburns :D!!! And yes we arrived about midday so we queued for about 5 hours :erm:... It was so worth it though!!!


    I like archers too :awesome:

  7. Oh it definatly needs to happen!!! Unfortunatly you won't see dom's cause he will be hidden with his drums :supersad: unless of course you are seated high up!!!


    :chuckle: i love that phrase too i keep saying it haha! I am running out of ideas too...

    Let's hope Dom is Sober want his full attention and not just a drunken mistake ;)


    :chuckle: Very true! They cost a fortune!!! And they just won't stop crying :noey:. And watch rubbish kids programms again!!! :p


    It's starting look strange... The top layer of skin is at it's peeling stage so it's starting to heal really nicely and starting to become an actual tattoo which looks right instead of a raiseed one :chuckle:


    i havn't been on holiday for a few years now and i get pale too quick for my own good. My legs are always brown though so thats a good thing :). The last time i got a tan was the muse gig in manchester i got sunburnt on my back o.0


    It will be very amusing to watch! But still i love vodka!!! Vodka and coke is one of my top favourite drinks. :awesome:

  8. Then that will be a double naked show! Even better :eyebrows::eek: they could run around together!!!


    :eek: Don't want an unintended baby like Kate!!! Remember don't forget to wrap your willy! :happy:


    I can't stand kids unfortunatly... But i want kids in the future but yeah i can't stand them :chuckle:...

    I don't usually find them cute either but Buster is the most beautiful baby i have ever seen :D!!!


    I hope they do too!!! And haha gathered they would :p.

    I am going to the tattoo shop in a bit to get the bits fixed hopefully they can do it there and then :happy:...


    I need sun too!! I am pale as a ghost :eek:


    What a waste of vodka! I want some too though :chuckle:

  9. He looks very nice naked running around the stage in my daydreams :eyebrows:


    Our fun will be glorious :eyebrows:


    I am sure it is very scary! I would hate to be famous that there are tons of paparazzis taking photos of you all the time and people giving gossip to celb magazines and newspapers about you on stuff which is or not true...

    :happy: Yup i have it's super cute!!! He has the same eyes and nose as him!!!


    I hope not!

    And my dad didn't say a word to me and didn't even look at me. My mum thinks it looks cheap and tacky. But they still love me and still talking to me. My mum looks a bit disapointed :erm:... My dad i am not sure about. He hasn't said anything about it an he is acting normal but i am not sure if he is ok with it or not. I highly doubt he is ok with it otherwise he would have atleast said something about it to me. :erm:... But thankfully they didn't kick me out!! :happy:.


    Err i think on the coast in the south :happy:

    Haha what spike their drinks?! :p

  10. Haha i bet they are!!! :eyebrows:


    Ah well he can take a trip into my supermassive blackhole any day ;D!!!


    :erm: I don't think he has ever expereinced this much fame and it's all from her...


    It was so worth it! I love it!!! But unfortunatly my tattooist missed some dots on on side of the pattern on the other side it's fine so i have to go back and get a few dots to make it symetrical... Haha i sound so sad >.<... It will just annoy me till i get it done though... Cause i know they are missing now.


    Haha don't worry i will let you know how it goes!!!

    I am going to spain :happy:

    I don't think i have ever seen my grandparents drunk it would be intresting to see them drunk... :p

  11. :eyebrows: Are they good images? Because they are for me!!! :p


    Me and him are just overdue for some fun :chuckle:


    :noey: It's horrible! I would hate to be matt atm... Too much publicity!!! Relationships should remain between two people not the world...


    Why thank you i love it too!!!

    And it hurt at times. The long lines on the flowery thing hurt like a bitch!!! I had to close my eyes and hum cause i didn't wanna see blood or the needle or anything... At other times it was ok the pain was bearable. It felt like someone or something scratching at your skin like a cat :chuckle:. It's hurting still now... And i had it on friday. It's still healing but it's healing nicely :happy:. I expected more pain. So yeah it wasn't too bad!

    I am just dreading telling my parents... They hate tattoos so much. And i could even be kicked out of my house and be homeless they hate them that much o.0... So yeah lol!! So much fun haha! I am only telling them because we are going on holiday soon so they will find out then anyway. But i cba with a shit holiday of them complaining over it and stuff. Might as well tell them now and atleast they won't yell at me for not telling them sooner. I am telling them on Saturday when Jake comes around atleast then i have someone to back me up and someone to cry on if i breakdown :chuckle:... But i maybe just imagining the worse so yeah i hope i am!! But we will see how it goes...

    My grandparents are the worse. But they aren't going to find out any time soon... Simply because i cba with them complain at me atm!! And my nan likes to slap me on the shoulder when i do the slightest mistake in stuff so yeah i am in for a lot of emotional and physical pain... :erm: I am more nervous about telling my family then i was waiting to get my tattoo done!!! :LOL:

  12. :chuckle: +1 i agree he would look a hell of a lot better without anything at all! He will be much more free to run around the stage too :happy:


    :chuckle: Dom is my undisclosed desire!!!


    Apperently she admitted on this telly program that she wasn't engaged so the newspapers and everything was lying :erm:...


    I have been great got my first ever tattoo and i am in love with it!!

    Links to see it:




    close up:


  13. It was a great day :happy:

    :awesome: Maybe i should ahve a day of searching on youtube to watch the videos... I don't think i have watched one fully yet...

    :chuckle: That coat was a bit bland haha!


    :chuckle: And that we should tell him "i belong to you" :chuckle:


    I would love to be friend swith her too! She is amazing! I thought she was with Mr Brand? :erm:

    I think it's going to be a girl but i wish it would be a boy!


    Aww i wish i could tell you the secret but i honestly don't know!! :erm:

  14. Or maybe they were in a creative mood :p


    I believe it was the 10th November :)

    I need to see them live too i am having muse depression right now haha!

    Oh yes i loved the editors and by god the lead singer... Something about him i would just like to stip him and do him there and then :eek:


    Oh yes with an unnatural erection ;D


    Well Katy Perry is friends with Matt and her real name is Katy Hudson. So yeah i think thats how they met... I would like to see a little baby bellamy tbh. It will be intresting to see him/her progress and see if they become all musical! :) and hopefully have his eyes!


    I have no idea how i never get them =/... I tend to mix my drinks and everything i don't know maybe because i am dead? :chuckle:


    And i think it's true :erm:

  15. :happy: Thanks it's nice to know i didn't :chuckle:
  16. Ooo sounds nice :happy:

    :chuckle: Really? :p I think it's amusing someone out there invented bombs for baths!


    I have seen them twice. My first ever time i was seated but i wasn't sitting i was jumping haha! I was at Birmingham first ever playing of MK ULTRA :awesome:

    Ugh they were rubbish i couldn't stand them i had to look away because their lights hurt my head and my eyes!


    Oh yes they will be :eyebrows:


    I hope no more cheese too needs more rock :chuckle:

    :eek: That would be great! Matt deserves someone more then that slut anyway (no offence matt) if he is happy i am ok but it's true though he can do better! And haha fuck you songs will be great! :p


    :eek: I wish i went to a party and got wasted! I don't get hangovers :awesome:

    And aww *hugs*

  17. :eyebrows: O'really?


    Ooo what make and what colour guitar? :p I got loads of bath bombs :chuckle: I love them they make me giggle for some reason :erm:...


    I am sure everything will be fine after all i am happy and as well as i will ever be :dance:


    I saw the tower set but unfortuantly i was in the seating part but i never did sit down part from during big pink...

    :eyebrows: They will definatly be feeling good after us ;D


    I read somewhere that matt said it is going to be more personal :erm:... That means more stuff like NSC :supersad:... Which i hope is very untrue.


    Happy new year to you too :dance:

    I spent time with family watching some movies like inception which i got thee first time i must say :p. Yourself?

  18. Yup i had a great time :D

    Aww thats pants i don't think anyone should work on christmas eve or day or even boxing day!

    I got a iphone, chocolate, sweets, bath stuff, hair stuff and socks and some vouchers :happy: you?


    Haha i hope so too :happy: I got a letter in the post yesterday saying i am going back in on the 13th January :erm:... I was like thats a bit soon!


    Snap can't miss even a second of muse! They are too sexy to miss!

    Oh yes who wouldn't mind some privacy with matt and dom :eyebrows: oh yes would be a great place to stop and they can have the streamers in plug in baby with the balloons :awesome:


    Snap! I would kill for it to sound like absolution or oos :awesome:

  19. Oh yes it was great fun :). Had a blast got a bit tipsey on boxing day haha! Was rather amusing :p. I was all giddy and happy. Expensive posh wine is nice :happy:

    Did you have a good christmas?


    :erm: I hope so... I went into hospital and i had to stay because i had internal bleeding. I got let out but the doctors still don't know whats caused it, what it is, if it will come back and other things so i have to go back for further tests... And then i went to the doctors afterwards because i had really bad dizzy spells like i was going to throw up and faint every minute i couldn't go to work it was that bad... They took my blood on christmas eve and they are going to give me my results at some point but yeah they don't know whats causing that either :erm:... So yeah i am horribly ill.


    :erm: I hope she is too... I would cry if i had to come out of a muse concert!


    Yes they should put it up i need a goot bootleg too i want to relive the moment all over again!!


    Haha :yesey: I want the new album and the tour asap!!! :eyebrows: they will stop during guiding light and se our sexyselfs and drag us backstage for some privacy ;D

  20. Merry christmas to you too! :D And happy new year :dance::party:

  21. Oh yes! :p Less stress is always good :D

    And yup going down to Ipswitch to see my grandparents i am leaving tommorow on Christmas Eve to go down and won't be home till the 29th late at night :happy:... I also have a blood test because i have serious health problems atm :erm: Its on Christmas eve too :supersad:


    :eek: Bet she wasn't amused! :eek: I think i was behind her... Her friend tried to carry her out...


    Haha snap! I need it :eyebrows:

    Very smooth looking back!


    Damn it! I think they should put it up now!


    Yes it was very close i had a great view :awesome:

    Oh yes and they may get us backstage :shifty:

  22. One which is more computer based and one with a little less stress...


    :eek: I have none... My friend decided to lob them all out to everyone in the crowd haha! And i gave a load to people around me ;D


    :chuckle:!!! I hope she won't have a salt overdose :chuckle:

    I know! I love that video :eyebrows:

    I have downloaded that sound thing from someone downloading the audio from the best youtube videos which is better then nothing.

    I was about 7 rows back from the front maybe a bit less. I was about 5 people away from the UFO thing. I think Matt heard it :chuckle:

    :supersad: Thats pants maybe he heard it but just didn't acknowledge?

  23. Ugh... Basically my boss is driving me so much insane i am looking for a new job :chuckle:... She is just being horrible to me... Saying i should have done something when she never told me to do it basically she is always complaining :erm:... So yeah. I am quitting eventually when i find a new job.


    :dance: We should go together :p. I will bring glow sticks ;D


    :erm: Is that wise swallowing that much salty confetti?

    Snap Jake told me after the gig i was well gutted! :supersad:

    No it isn't werid i have horrible post gig depression... I can't think of muse without thinking of Manchester and then getting bummed out and shouting "I WANNA SEE MUSE AGAIN!!!" :supersad:

    I loved it when my mate shouted to Matt "MATT I LOVE YOU!!!" You should have seen all the dirty looks we got from people matt laughed :chuckle:

  24. Ah sorry for late reply been sorry busy recently... Work and of course going into hospital the other day >.<...


    Ooo i love them all! Just heard of Bombay bicycle club the other day been meaning to listen to more of them... They intreged me with that video of that narnia looking one great song too ;D


    :'(!! Well gutted!

    I thought it was flipping amazing! My favourite moment was when i was so close of touching a plug in baby balloon... Everyone tried to get hold of it and we all sorta fell to the right haha that was amusing also trying to get salt confetti haha that was fun! Confetti over dom was amazing haha! Oh and don't forget the unzipping of dom that was rather intresting to hear about!

    My favourite song was citizen of course!!! So wish we had bliss! What about you?

  25. Thank you :p

    :happy: YAY!!! :dance:

    Hmm what music i like Flo, Killers, My Passion (Seeing them 17th Ocotober :dance:), NIN, Placebo, Lady Gaga all that sort of stuff... :erm: I don't know what that sorta stuff is... :chuckle: You?


    :chuckle: I wore this purple zebra hoodie thing with little ears on it. I was on Chris' side :p.

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