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Status Updates posted by hyperactivesteph

  1. I don't have any cause i know it will be a waste of money on them cause i won't use them i will just keep smelling them haha!!!

  2. Oh yes there body moisturiser in the circle tub smells so yummey!!!! I just want to eat it haha!!

  3. I like mango too :D!!

  4. Oh yes like strawberrys and oranges and bananas :D

  5. :D! I like a lot of smells lol!!!
  6. I don't like coconuts but i like the smell :D

  7. It smells awful :(!! Tis a big no no :noey:

    Don't think i have ever used suntan oil....

  8. I only put sun tan lotion on my back and face thats it lol! I hate the stuff... :( Suntan is icky lol.

  9. I don't think i have any sun spots...

    Yah mine do too lol!

  10. Awww. It gave me a freckle to my scalp? So its evil to me too... It also makes my legs browner then the rest of my body!!! :fear: Annoying Sun.

  11. LOL! I am british too lol! Not scottish tho lol!

  12. Yah only once lol! Yah it was bad lol! I don't get burned :). Haha i will lol!

  13. I have only ever been sunburnt once which was at Turkey. It was like 40 odd degrees outside lol!!

    I will go one day :D I will save up when i can be bothered haha.

  14. Oh dear thats pants! Holidays always end up rubbish when you get burnt...

  15. :eek: I want to go to Hawaii... That place is on my to do list before i die :LOL:
  16. Err well i have been to Florida, Wales, France, Greece, Italy, France, Majorca, Spain, Turkey, Portugal. And probably some others haha i am rubbish at memory lol. You?

  17. If i named all the places i have been in the world i think i will have to go back in time just to remember... I have been to too many places...

  18. I have been to devon, wales, blackpool, cambridge and loads of other places :LOL:

  19. Haha yah really i have been around most of Britain :).

  20. Think i have been to Brighton once :LOL:...

  21. A lot :LOL:!!!

    I believe in parts... Because at one time we had the hottest summer in the UK... Which was a few years back. I also believe the ice is infact melting but i believe if its global warming we should atleast have some warmth at the moment lol!!! In summer usually for us we get rain. Hardly any sun.

  22. No it hasn't been this bad like ever... I have never seen snow like this... Its scary. I mean for one its supposed to be global warming lol!! Apperently were getting more snow on wednesday typical i am fed up of it lol!!

    No not really the whole country became suddendly still. Hardly anyone was driving colleges and schools were closed even work for some people. It got so bad for some people they were stuck in there houses or they couldn't move their cars...

  23. Scary much?

    And every day is rain usual for england... We mostly get snow in January more then December lol!! There has been a load of ice recently... :(

  24. Oh dear... Not good... :(

  25. :LOL:!!! Is it really? In the snow and cold and rain? :(
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