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Status Updates posted by hyperactivesteph

  1. Oh yes can't forget the more like the hidden bits from the world... :eyebrows: Like his bum :ninja:

  2. :eek: Seeing his bare legs and his chest... And bare muscle drummer arms... :eyebrows:
  3. Indeeed and we will enjoy watching him strip for us :eyebrows:

  4. The perv!! :eek: If he gets to watch us changing i think we should get to watch him changing :yesey:

  5. :eek: Shit he is watching us all the time!! :'(!!! I don't want him to see me when i need a wee :LOL:!!!!!
  6. Oh now i will think how the fuck did he get there and talk to me on MSN :LOL:!!!!

  7. Oh god no i will crash in a tree...And car is probably a bad idea because i will be thinking of dom wearing nothing laying on a bed waiting for me to arrive...Big distraction when driving :noey:...It will be like STEPH WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE! Instead of George george george of the jungle watch out for that tree... :LOL:

  8. Oh yes ;)... I would either high jack my mums car or get a taxi there guaranteed :p...

  9. Oh thats even better... I would then ask him if he could put his webcam on to see if he is telling the truth :eyebrows:

  10. And he will tell you "I am just wearing my boxers :eyebrows:"

  11. LOL! I don't spam :p

    :eek: I hope he does have webcam we can have webcam fun with him ;)

  12. Muhahahaaha so nabbed your address ;)... I wonder if dom has msn :eek:

  13. Oh yes ;).... For a long time... So we make sure we are cured.... By doing other various activities just to make sure :ninja:

  14. It's that contagious :yesey:

    We need dom for our cure :eyebrows:

  15. :yesey: So do i because i just got the illness from you it's very contagious :yesey:
  16. Haha what a good illness for dr howard... :eyebrows: We will so have to use that illness ;)

  17. Haha i bet you won't! You would fake a illness or something ;)

  18. Unless it's dom dressed up as a doctor... ;)

  19. Ewwww!!! It reminds me of that stuff they keep telling me to put on my hands when i go the doctors this hand cream stuff and when i went home one day i forgot about it and i ate something and i could taste the skanky stuff on it :'(!!!!

    Part from it's a good drug :D

  20. Oh thats how you know lol! I thought you just decided to random try some of it lol!! And thats bad if it comes off you on to your food lol.

    And i will try some of the sprays :). I like the bath stuff too! :happy::D

  21. I don't want to know how you know they taste gross lol!!!

    Yah i may try them :)

  22. They smell so tasty tho!!! But i wouldn't eat them probably lol!

    Are they? Oh dear i won't buy one then lol!

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