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Status Updates posted by Red_sqwiwul

  1. HaPpY Birhtday Niall :D

  2. Life is good fellow Muser... bit hacked off with all the negativity flowing about TR though!! How's about you? :)

  3. Thanks! Cant remember what I put now :D

  4. LO< I made myself think too until the whole thing went off this afternoon.... and all the stuff that was discussed yesterday was seen as apparenlty irrelevant! the cordinates -2.57 looked so promising yesterday! An i was totally convinced on the Artificial Intelligence thing, LOL


    I guess you can believe anything if you look hard enough..


    Really loving this treasure hunt though... :D

  5. Hi MuseMom, yeah thanks for those instructions. i got straight onto it and hey presto I have an avatar :D


    I'm a MuseMom too!! I'm taking my 7 year old son to see them in November.... I really really cannot wait to see his face - he will be blown away... As will I! Whippee!!!


    I'm really enjoying these posts and I'm really glad that I've been keeping an eye on this forum for last few months now... There are some highly intelligent people on these boards eh??


    Thanks again!


    Louise, UK

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