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Status Updates posted by endlessly_blissed

  1. OMG....Nights of Arabia or whatever DEFINITELY and when the big twist came I was like "WTF, THAT IS SO FREDDIE MERCURY!"

  2. Listening to it right now :awesome:


    No, but I'll go there right after I listen to USoE

  3. Alrighty, since I'm keeping you updated, this just happened:

    There was a tweet on Musewire saying:

    Want to start thinking about Station October? The connection between Berlin and Moscow is Lotte's Deadly Shoes...

    That has to do with Lotte Lenya, a Russian actress. Info: http://www.answers.com/topic/lotte-lenya


    That's about it for now.

  4. Oh, and I'm not on the east coast. I'm in the Mid-west. The farthest east I've ever been is what...Mississippi. I've never seen a beach unless it was on a movie!

  5. Just sent you a request.

  6. Alright, I joined the facebook group already.


  7. Mkay...

    1) Thank you muches, that collage took forever.

    2) Puzzle thingy? What now?

    3) Okay, that's understandable.

    4) Saw that.

    5) Good. About damn time.

    6) Yay!

    Those bastards...

  8. Hi, :)

    I'm Laurel. Nice to meet you.

  9. Alright, I've spent too much time in front of the computer screen, I swear I have the Eurasian map burned into my retinas. I'm going to bed now. Love ya and see you tomorrow.

  10. Yeah, I uploaded my wallpapers on DeviantArt. My username is Claire-elise17, here's my link http://claire-elise17.deviantart.com

    You go to the main page, and then on the navigation panel you click on "images." Once that's loaded, there will be, on the left side, a choice of either official pictures or fan pictures. You choose the fan tab. Once that has loaded, above the first image shown should be a button or whatever that says "upload image." Click that and it should work.

  11. Do you mean upload it onto DeviantArt or muse.mu?

  12. Yeah, yeah, I've done a lot of Matt. The one of him at his piano is my favorite, by far. I'm gonna upload the backgrounds right now, actually, so check my page in about 10 minutes.


    I've made like 4 wallpapers, and 3 of them have lyrics. My favorite one is just a black+white of Matt sitting in the corner with my favorite Muse songs.

  13. Ah, I was with my cousin making awesome Muse wallpapers that I'm very soon going to be displaying on my deviantArt page. Sigh, I know. So much happened, I had to scan through 200 pages when I got on this morning!

  14. Yeah, I tried to read the entire thread but gave up.

    See ya.

  15. Yeah, sure I'll true. :)

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