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Status Updates posted by NicePockets

  1. :xmas::rudolph::thumbsup::pope:Merry christmas bb! :D
  2. Wow my reply to this is ages late because I haven't been on the boards in yonks :'(




    :awesome: Why thankee!




    How are we not fucking married already.


    I'm gooooooooood, currently on exchange in FRANCE! Which is good but also a little sad at the moment because a) I go home in about a week and b) Muse are playing in Sydney TOMORROW and I would have been going if I wasn't here... but I have to remember I'm lucky to be in France in the first place :happy:


    How are you?

  3. Have you seen In Bruges? Pair of sexeh Irish men right there :stongue: :stongue: NOMMMMM


    Gah, exams suck eh >< I have mine in about two weeks :eek: FREAKIN OUUUUTTTTT! My one consolation is that I don't have to do maths though :awesome:

    What are your exams in?


    :eek: YOU LIEKS MYOOZE TOO? :awesome: zomg that's so cool! Isn't it amazing that we both happen to love the SAME BAND! We must be made for each other :chuckle:


    Yeaaahhh, there's a fair bit happening :p Plus the boards are getting a bit slow :(


    So whatcha been up to? Other than probably studying (well I hope you have anyway lolol)

  4. OM NOM NOM IRISH MEN :stongue:


    Holidays are sweet, I have exams in three weeks :LOL::facepalm:


    Went to an awesome party last night, there was some muse played :yesey: Now I'm really tired/ sick :LOL:


    I realised I replied to this incredibly late, again. I'm sorry :(

  5. Ohhhh, did I not reply to that? FFFFUUUUU I'm so sorry, I haven't been on the boards in ages! :$:(


    But I'm here now, i missed it too much


    I'm not too bad :happy: How are you? Times about 10000000000000000 for the interest :LOL:

  6. Why thankee Christian! Gawsh, haven't been here in a while, I always get too caught up to go on :LOL:

  7. Haha awwww, that is a shame :LOL:

    What kind of arts are we talking here?

  8. Oh hey, sorry I haven't replied yet! It's been ages since I could properly go on the boards :(


    Hmm, maths at uni could possibly be better than at school I guess! I want to do Media Communications or some form of Artsy stuff :)


    Haha, school IS meh indeed :p

  9. And the Dead Weather song that's in there... :supersad: THE SOUNDTRACK IS SO UNFAIR! It's got all these good people on it and it's so ahhhhhhhhhhh :'( /rant


    Have you heard the preview for NSC?

  10. Haha, expressive arts eh? I like that sort of thing :)

    What do you want to do at uni?


    Haha, wow, lots of maths... I fail at maths :(

  11. Ahhh, not too much, been really busy too :LOL:

    Ohhh shit, that sucks! Which gsce was it? Damn, sounds like a fun time for you... haha :(

    I failed a maths test recently :p But other than that, just business...

  12. Haha yeah, go with some people and make fun of it the whole time :LOL:

    And then get told off by TwiHards, I love that :D

  13. I was going to NOT see Eclipse, but seeing as Muse are in it now I HAVE to see it :mad::supersad:

  14. Haha, I went with 3 of my friends, we laughed our asses of the whole time :LOL::facepalm:

  15. Yeah, I would be too! Mmmmmmmmmm, I can smell boacon :stongue: (Sorry, bit distracted lol)


    Yeah I am :awesome: Can't believe it's in Twilight though :(:mad::facepalm::eek::fear::supersad::confused: (mixed emotions......)

    Yeah, that's the right spelling :)

  16. :mad: Hahaha

    Oh damn, that would suck, hahaha I can just imagine "SHIT! :eek: .... MUMMMM? ... I think I broke the piano.........." :LOL:


    Yay, all better! :happy:

  17. :yesey: I really hate it, I think I'm going to completely drop it at the end of this year. It's even worse because I'm in an accerlerated class so we're doing year 11 Ext. 1 while we're still in year 10 and I'm really not coping :( But thanks for the luck :)

    Oh wow, that does sound interesting!

  18. Oh crap, that's a lot of writing! Does it have to be typed or handwritten? Hmm, interpersonal communication, what subject is that for?

    I have 2 maths assessments in the next 4 weeks? :facepalm:

    May 13 :) Got it

  19. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh evil ear infection! :fear:


    Hahaha, I'm glad it's getting better though, means more ability to listen to muuuuuuse :LOL:

  20. So excited :happy: I missed everyone here so much... Shame school work won't stop, even for muse! :LOL:

    Oh dang, essays can be really evil, what subjects are they for?

    Exam on your birthday?! :eek::mad: That sucks! And it sucks that you won't get to be with your family too :( What day's your birthday? I'll wish you a happy one then :D

  21. Oh wow, yeah I've been busy too (which is why I haven't been on in ages), it's second week BACK here... Have you had exams and stuff? How are they all going?

  22. :easterclaus:! :LOL:


    I'm finally back! Been so busy this week and last :( St00pid school! I'm ok :happy: How about yourself?

  23. Hahaha they sit under your tree?! :eek::fear:




    Ah, I'll PM you where I live (internet safety and all :D)

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