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Creeper McSexyPants

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About Creeper McSexyPants

  • Birthday 07/09/1993

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  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    Music, Writing, Reading.
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  1. At least you're working out. Due to my mono, I was unable to workout so now walking up long flights of stairs is quite the daunting task. :chuckle: Once I get back into my routine I should hopefully get back into shape quickly. If not, I will be very upset. :( My day was mediocre at best, but thank you for asking. I got this stupid airbrush tattoo at spring fair of a flaming skull on my neck but it looks like this deformed hickey. I had my school year book photos, so that should turn out just swell. :facepalm: Oh and then in english class I got accused of eating because I had a mint and got kicked out of class for the last 20 minutes. I failed to complete my socials homework, but lucky for me my Socials teacher = high rolling boss and let it go. How was your day and dinner? :happy:

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