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Status Updates posted by Mariaq27

  1. I'M DOING GOOOOOOOOOD :D just chillin' on my Sunday off before school. *le sigh* School >_>. How's your day? ^-^

  2. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam... Spam. Hehe :3. How's it goin'? :D


  4. LOL ME TOO! :D Twas fun. But it was also really fun scaring the non-musers :LOL:.

  5. Tonight's chat was amazing :D ^-^

  6. OHAI OMEGLE MUSER! It's me, Maria ^-^

  7. :D thank you! Twas nice meeting you and Angie too :awesome: and yes, the gig was AMAZING!
  8. Oh, well I know...kinda. I mean, I'm just glad I only found the violins without the vocals. I really like the violins :D. And uh...yeah xD

  9. I wanna know In Your World on piano!


    I know: Sunburn, New Born, Starlight (keyboard bit), Sing for Absolution, Resistance (Piano bit), Clocks by Coldplay, Apologize by Timbaland ft. One Republic, and I'm still learning Redemption :)

  10. Oooo good point. Hahahhahah I'm listening to In Your World right now xD. My top 5 changes everytime, so In Your World and Dead Star end up in there too.

  11. Hahaha, Nature_1 is in my top 5. Stockholm Syndrome will always be my favorite.

    1. Stockholm Syndrome

    2. Glorious

    3. Nature_1

    4. Knights of Cydonia

    5. Map Of the Problematique


  12. Yes, I really do love Nature_1 btw :D. Hmmm, ever heard of the singer called Lights? This is my fav song:

  13. Hahaha, okay thanks :D. I shall check them out now, while I blast music again since I'm home alone :)

  14. My avi says: I WISH I COULD! :)


    And yes, yes I do :D: http://www.formspring.me/GloriousBliss


    Isn't the background of my formspring epic?

  15. Okay, forget it then xD. JJust stick to obsessing over him in your dreams...along with Maffoo :D. Btw, what you think of my new avatar? xD. Plus, do you have a tumblr?

  16. Ah, alright xD. But hey, 2 years apart isn't really that bad :D

  17. Wait! Ignore my last message xD. I thought for a sec, you forgot that I was in 8th grade...ah I just lost the plot!

  18. Dude, have you forgetten that I AM IN 8TH GRADE!? xD

  19. ikr! :D. Still, we've known each other for a while and 8th grade just happens to be the time where he's more nice to me and we're getting closer as friends. Lolz :LOL:

  20. Oh gosh xD. Well idk if me and my guy are up to the point of liking each other, but he's tall, green eyes, bangs that go all the way to his eyes and his hair is dark brown btw. Plus, he has the sweetest smile :)

  21. OooOoOooOo you have to tell me! xD. I met this guy in school too, actually I've known him since the 4th grade BUT now we're getting along more. ;)

  22. Ah, I see. So it's just a matter of people safe! Don't worry, Mizz. Paranoia, I get paranoid a lot too. Interwebz is an evil, evil place.

  23. Dude, you have 103 friends on this site, and I only have liek...15 :facepalm:

  24. Tahahaha, my Spring Break is...meh :p on the bright side though we're having a lunch party thing tomorrow and my best friend is coming :D. I just can't wait till summer cause I'm going to England :D:D:D

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