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Dracula II

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Everything posted by Dracula II

  1. he's what dracula is based on

  2. You don't know who Vlad Tepes aka Vlad The Impaler is?

    I've known that for years :LOL:

  3. yeah good. I rule at geography!

    MY guitar is called Vlad after Vlad Tepes :happy:

  4. I'm going saturday Went on saturday at the last Wembley gigs too
  5. I only have one guitar.

    BTW Helsinki and Osaka are cities in Finland and Japan respectively. :happy:

  6. um why are your guitar's named after cities?

  7. ...but he's really ugly

  8. nah he's probably a virgin :LOL:

  9. how do you have sex in a stereo?

  10. I don't have that problemo.I'm all toned :awesome:

  11. :facepalm: moobs are man boobs! :awesome: They are very common in your country!
  12. not the sickness that aint good :pimp:


  14. Yeaah it's worse in real life :rolleyes:

  15. I know lots of bitches aged 9 and under. BTW a period isn't a reason to be a bitch. Male Bitches don't have periodssss

  16. I don't care! You don't have a period aged 9 :erm:

  17. ...huh?

    and yeah girls can be bitches sometimes

  18. why don't you wanna marry a girlllll????

  19. o: they want to marry you!

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