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Dracula II

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Status Updates posted by Dracula II

  1. yep sounds right to me :D

    I'm still gorgeous :pimp:

  2. actually I wasn't! :D I was very quiet and clean :pimp: Still the same :D

  3. yeah I don't like them...even though I was one...:rolleyes:

  4. ha no! I wouldn't have any in the first place :D

  5. :noey:psh that's what guns are for

  6. radiohead are a great band! Why don't you like the great Thom Yorke?

  7. Why do you have to :facepalm:?

  8. yeah that's right it is. Keep living in denial :D

  9. OK Computer is one of the greatest albums ever made

  10. ha lucky!

    my now old school blocked everything...:facepalm:

  11. yes that means you can't play them!

  12. yes because you don't know how to play them

  13. Because I'm bored and I know how obsessed you are with Matt Bellamy I thought I would tell you that the next issue of NME contains a Matt Bellamy poster. Thank you :D

  14. By the way your sticker thread which is clogging up banter is backfiring :awesome:

  15. ha I don't think so :pimp:

  16. yes I know :facepalm:

    But I like them equally! :pimp:

  17. do i dare say radiohead are better than muse?

  18. OH THANK YOU! I agree :awesome:

    Just for your lovely compliment I will also send a copy of a bellamy sig! :pimp:

  19. GOOD pics will be sent! :pimp:

  20. Actually because you are a business friend you can have a free sample set :pimp:

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