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Dracula II

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Status Updates posted by Dracula II

  1. yeah when it's red maybe. I'm getting my guitar tomorrow :awesome:

    Yeah that's a great game. It has guessed everyone I've been thinking of...

  2. yo no way like totally no way! :happy:

  3. I got me a haircut :awesome:

  4. yeah I'm kinda the same with most of them. I'm waiting for the official G.W. Bush holiday in the USA. :p

  5. ha that's the only reason why most people care about today. DAY OFF! :p

  6. ...why no school?

  7. yeah I know :D

    I might customize it myself. Add some glitter :happy:

  8. They all have a black pick guard. Also it comes in sunburst with a white pick guard :awesome:

  9. I think I'll go for the fender classic tele deluxe. Do you think it's nicer in black ,walnut(brown) or red?

  10. for the digitech yeah...too many guitars to choose from :rolleyes:

  11. I'm gonna go get me a fender and digitech pedal :awesome:

  12. oh well now you have :LOL:

    I say that to anyone who says "lol" so don't feel so bad :happy:

  13. shut up you sound ignorant :LOL:

  14. ugh I hate it when people say "lol" :rolleyes:

  15. you shave your legs :LOL:

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