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Everything posted by Kinky_Shinku

  1. I saw your Myspace, the one of your boyfriend, and the one of your son's band I must congratulate you! You draw very well! Your son and your boyfriend are talented! I like particularly System Glitch I wish good luck to your boyfriend!
  2. hm... interesting, verrrry interesting

    It's a honorable aim, I acknowledge it :yesey:

  3. nice biography, you're an original, I like that :p


    Radiohead, The Mars Volta, RATM, Saul Williams, Placebo, One Day As A Lion, Marilyn Manson, NIN, Rammstein... :yesey:



  4. hey, t'as vu ce que j'ai mis dans "About me", "Muse Concerts Attended / Attending"? :rolleyes:

  5. I hope my sentences are clear enough... I make efforts, but I remain french!
  6. I understand your son, I'd react exactly like him! It's really revolting... If I were your boyfriend, I'd give up the group. It's not worthwhile to play with people who treat you for shit! It's true that generally in the old bands, drummers aren't shoved to the back. But, in many new bands, it's the total decline! I often say that Matt Belly is rather narcissistic… ( I don't know what you think ) but despite this, Dom is shown as much than him ( even more sometimes )
  7. héhé oublie pas d'aller voir mes super groupes! :stongue:

  8. I totally agree with you... In my opinion, drummers should revolt! REVOLT YOU! DON'T STAY IN THE DARK! ... Seriously, as you've it however well said, it's sad there's thus “categories” of musicians!... Musicians who are members of a single and same group!
  9. It's all right!

    Sorry if I've a bit exaggerated...

    You assumed, this is not bad! :LOL:

    (... I'm not sure that my sentences are right :unsure:

    Sorry if I made mistakes!...)

  10. Why create a group, if groups are stupid? :wtf:


    Are you an antisocial?

    surely not, otherwise you wouldn't be there, no?

    Do you want to be remarked?

    that would surprise me, there are other means… unless you would be an original?

    or... is this an indirect means to encourage people to join this group?...


    I just want to know, you interest me :D

  11. Yeah, it's all luck! ^^

    I bought a ticket for Muse at Dijon (France) the 2 december! it's partly because of that I couldn't for NIN... I made a choice!

    (and it's also because I'm economizing to buy a drums kit... maybe i will be able to buy it, one day! :))

  12. Oh, you're lucky!

    I've a friend who's going to see NIN in exactly 1 week :)

    Me, I can't, I haven't got enough money... :$

  13. Yeah, I've noticed... And it's what annoy me the most! Only the singer, the guitarist, and the bassist are shown, and the drummer... we don't care! Whereas without a drummer, a band is nothing! Without drums, a song is NOTHING! ( hum, sorry... I'm calm... veeeery calm... ) This is nice to find people who shares my ideas
  14. and... I guess you like Korn too, no?


    :ninja: muhaha

  15. Hi you :cool:


    "it has turned into a pure ego trip" yeah, but despite that, I must congratulate you for your albums! You've a real talent to photograph... and good likings :)


    RATM, Tool, Radiohead, I love these bands ;)


    Sorry if it's indiscreet, but, you live in Switzerland? (I saw the places of concerts which you attended)

    Me, I live in France, in Jura, so very close to Switzerland... :happy:

  16. oh, Trent Reznor! :happy:

  17. Adressed to musehysteria:

    Oh and how surprising! you're still provoking people... :facepalm:

    Can't you let people live their life? :indiff:

  18. in my opinion, there are many bars in Cydonia... inevitably!
  19. I always make the same mistake (in the title): "beggining" instead of "beginning"... Shame on me!
  20. Think what you want ;) but I'll just give you my opinion:

    Maybe that this album will please. But I'm listening to Muse for many years, and I remarked that since Black Holes and Revelations, their music is more superficial than before. It seems to me that their principal aim is to "touch" a more general public to earn even more money, if you see what I mean... :stunned:

  21. Where do you live exactly in Nevada? I don't well know this state...

    The weather is hot and dry there?

    Where you live, how is the geography? Is there mountains? Is it a desert?

    Maybe I appear stupid, but I'm curious! :LOL:

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