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Status Updates posted by Vader

  1. Thank you!

  2. I actually had to look it up and it was actually 250 extra hours. But I'm going to drop Spanish for next year, not a lot of people want to go on to step 5 and I'd have to take it at another (super pretentious) school. So I cba.

    Yeah, the change was so sudden, I couldn't believe it. But the weather's been kind of shit again this week, it even snowed/hailed on day. But today it's sunny :LOL:

    Ugh, I have exams every week at the moment. I'm done with Spanish, and have had 2 out of four in English, I'll do the rest next week. I've got maths in a few weeks as well. Plus I just had a physics test and will have a test on genetics at the end of the term. Then there's the magazine and we've only got 4 more lessons, and I need to write for that as well for my journalism course, and there's a presentation in chemistry. And I'm going to fit reading a book in English in there somewhere. This is the downside to studying a lot of subjects :LOL: Strange thing is though, when I write it down it seems there's so much to do, but I still don't find it terribly overwhelming

  3. We have to choose our projects for next year before the 15th and me and my friends have no idea what the hell we're going to do. And it's 100 hours of work so it needs to be something good. And related to science.


    That's because my life only consists of school and wasting away in my bed :LOL:

    We do take a wide array of subjects in Sweden, at least if you're going to go on to university studies. It's not really until then that it gets narrowed down. Plus because of how the system works it can be beneficial to take extra courses, more than the amount needed to graduate. I think I'm going to end up with a surplus of 50-100 hours of extra courses. Which is really just one course, but 100 hours sounds more impressive :awesome:

    My break was great, I had time to finish everything I needed to and the weather was great. The last snow had pretty much disappeared less than two weeks earlier and we had more than 20 degrees and sun outside.

    No, you hadn't. What are you studying right now?

  4. Why are you making dresses?


    Well, my life has pretty much been like I said earlier, a lot of studying and not a lot of everything else. But hopefully I did well, and I got good results on the things I have got back, so now that I've finally got Easter break I can relax. I only have to do some maths and try to come up with some stuff for the magazine we're doing in graphic communication (that's the literal translation, there's probably some other name for it that works better), and the rest of the time I can just lie back on the couch and enjoy my candy. I'm probably going to do something with my best friend during the week, but we haven't decided what yet.

    This is pretty much going to be the best break of my life, simply because I needed it so bad


  5. My life right now is pretty much eat, study, sleep, repeat. But some relatives are visiting form the north today so I've given myself a day off. Plus, this week the test isn't until Friday, so I have a bit more time during the week.

    I actually don't know a lot about Thatcher apart from that no one seems to like her :LOL:

    It's not for everyone, but then again, what subject is? I absolutely detest biology, although that's probably got more to do with my teacher than the subject itself. Chemistry isn't that fun either, it's a lot of work.


    Unfortunately, the quality of the food seems to have gone down a bit now. It's a shame because it was really good the first week.

  6. Reading through my previous post, it really wasn't coherent at all :LOL: Oh well.


    Ugh, I have a maths test on Wednesday and an essay for Tuesday, I'll pretty much have to spend the whole weekend studying. School is stopping me from living my life, it's so stifling. Sometimes I really do hate it.


    Wow, congratulations! The tuition fees are cray-cray though, I don't know how you deal with them.

    I have no idea what I'm going to do when I grow up, at least I've got one more year before I have to apply for uni. Lately I've been thinking I might take maths, but it's really what I want. I think it'll be my plan B.


    In other news, my school has a new caterer for the cafeteria and oh my god, it's delicious. It actually tastes like normal food and the rice has been boiled, not fried. Needless to say, our standards are quite low :LOL: Looking back now, I honestly don't know how we put up with it, it was so bad. Unfortunately we might get the old one back after Easter so that a bit sad.

  7. Oh god, I haven't answered for a month :$ I'm so sorry. There's been a lot going on in real life lately.

    I went to the concert, and it was amazing. I ended up right behind a group of annoying douchenozzles tough, and they were pretty much jumping on me and I get elbowed a few times, but other than that, all great.

    Edinburgh was great, but it was windy as hell and both me and mum got real tired, one evening she fell asleep at 8 :noey: I spent most of the money I'd saved, about £150 and it felt great since I hadn't gone shopping since November before that. Now I'm broke though, so not that great any more. But I got a pair of jeans that fit properly, for the first time in my life.

    Now I have a physics test coming up tomorrow, and my best friend told me we apparently have tests every Wednesday for a couple of weeks now. But soon it's Easter and I'll finally have a week off.


    Ramble over. Have you found out about uni yet?

  8. I often read it and forget to answer immediately, and then there's not even the tiny notification so it's really hard to remember to answer.


    Oh wow, good luck with uni! What do they base their accepting on? (That sentence sounds really weird)


    The Scandinavian peninsula :awesome: It works better in Swedish though, the literal translation of peninsula would be half-island.

    Technically we all live on islands, don't we? I mean, the continents could be considered humongous islands, they are all surrounded by water.


    As fr as what's going on here, not much. I have a week's holiday. But next Monday I'm going to see White Lies, which will hopefully be amazing. And my trip to Edinburgh is getting closer. I randomly felt like checking my passport today, which was fortunate, because it stopped being valid in January. It would have been quite a nasty surprise to discover that the day before we're leaving.

  9. Aye, my school is getting poorer and poorer every year, but at least we still get to do a few fun things.


    Anything fun going on on your island?

  10. I think it's great. It's called the science week and they have it every year for the second years, for us to see that science doesn't just have to be about what we do in school, to keep people interested.

    Now I can't go to bed instead, I feel like it's morning :LOL:

  11. Yeah, that what I mean. In maths for example, the problems are divided into a, b and c problems. I should at least do the b ones.

    I don't have any lessons next week, we're only going to listen to loads and loads of interesting lectures, and the week after that we have a holiday :awesome:

    In other news I just took a nap of epic proportions. I got home at about two o'clock, very tired, and I think I fell asleep on the couch sometime between four and five o'clock. My mum was invited to a friend so she apparently left me sleeping, and now I just woke up, at ten in the evening :LOL:

  12. I just don't think doing only those are enough, I'm afraid I'll miss something important.

    I think it's right about this age when everyone just gets too tired. I mean, I've been going to school everyday for 10 years and have been under constant pressure because of grades for 4 of those. It's wearing me down.

  13. Blargh, I've been slacking off with school lately. Not enough for my grades to drop but I can rarely be arsed to do anything properly anymore. I just jump straight to the most difficult problems and if I manage them I'm done :LOL: And I sleep forever in the morning, I get up about 40 minutes later than I used to. I don't know, I'm trying to get better, but I'm just so tired. Hopefully this slump won't affect anything and I can get back to how I used to feel about school.

  14. Sorry that I haven't answered in forever, I've been so busy with school. After the chemistry I had maths, also a final, but at least now I have a calmer period again.

    Oh, I'd love to visit Spain, we might be going to Barcelona this summer. That would be really awesome. I really like the football team so maybe I could convince the others that we should go to Camp Nou. And there's Dalí of course.

    I study maths in a smaller group, we study faster than the others, and I think that's really helped with physics because I've already learnt the basics of what we do.

  15. I wish my friends had better taste in music, because as much as I love my sister it'd be nice to do something like that with my friends every once in a while. I really want to go to a festival, but no one I know wants to so it's not going to happen.

    Last test I knew the whole fucking text by heart, no kidding, I could recite every single page and say what it said and in what order. I did well, but I missed points because he asked stupid questions.

    The chemistry has a lot more theory, while the physics just are like boring maths. I don't know, I suppose in a way that makes it easier if you do understand it, but I've always been really good at maths so physics aren't a problem. It's mostly the last chapter of the book that I'm worried about, because we've had test about the other stuff so I've already studied that more in-depth, whereas the last parts are newer to me (since I didn't do my homework).

  16. Yeah, they send all their orders from Britain, I suppose their warehouse is there or something.

    I do like art as "decorations" though, any kind.


    Well, I think they're good :LOL: They're coming to Stockholm in February so I'm going with my sister :awesome: I have no idea where the venue is or how to get there but I'm sure it'll work out in the end.

    I did well on the exam actually. I'm not sure I'll do as well on my chem one next week. I still haven't started studying. Speaking of tests, I had biology test today. My teacher is hopeless, he always asks questions on things he only mentioned once, briefly and not at all as much about the things he actually told us to study. You know beforehand that you're not going to get a perfect score because there's bound to be something you've never even heard of being asked.

  17. Yes, but there are so few stores here in Sweden so I have to make the most of it when there's one nearby. And the dress I ordered finally arrived today (I bet it was your darn inability to deal with snow that delayed it) and it was perfect fit! :awesome: Now at least I know what size I am.

    Maybe, but I can't focus for long enough to properly appreciate art. I just take a quick glance at it and go 'Yeah, that's pretty' and then I'm off to the next painting :LOL:


    New White Lies album out today, I love it :happy:

    Tomorrow I'm finding out how I did on my physics final :stunned: I don't love it

  18. I'm going to Edinburgh in March! :awesome: I love Scottish accents so it's going to be amazing. And they have Topshop, so I'm going to save my EMA the next two months and go crazy while I'm there.


    The sleep deprivation head ache can definitely be an obstacle when writing :LOL:

  19. Yeah, when we've stayed more than a week we haven't stayed in the same place for the whole duration. I'm very restless when I'm on vacation, I'm not the kind of person who can just lie on a beach for a week. I like seeing new things and get as much out if the experience as possible.


    Yes, those decades were cool as well. I do love me some art deco and functionalism. The functionalist houses in Poirot are some of the most beautiful pieces of architecture I've ever seen. I am going to add a functionalist home to my list of things I want when I'm grown up and rich :awesome:


    I didn't quite get that but it sounds nice :LOL:

  20. Yeah, but they're always gone for so long. A guy just got back from three and a half weeks in Australia. I thought I stayed long when we were away for ten days.


    I for one love TV series and films set in the 40s and 50s (I have a box set of the first ten series of ITV's Poirot) so it's natural that I love both fashion and cars from that era. It just all seems so glamorous. Though that car was from the 60s it has that lovely vintage feel to it, although I would prefer it in red :D

  21. I'm convinced loads of people in my class are a bit rich because everyone goes abroad all the time and they have loads of clothes that don't exactly look cheap. Someone told me one guy in my class has a TV in every room of his house :stunned:

    In other news I have found my dream car, this beauty:

    [HIDDEN=Aston Martin DB4 Drop-head coupe]676515.jpg

    676516.jpg[/HIDDEN]It's only like £130,000 :D




  22. Yeah same, I don't get a lot of money though.

    I get up at 6.30, but that's just because it takes forever to get to school. I usually get ready in forty minutes.

    All the girls at my school are so hipster, they look like they've come straight out of lookbook. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I quite like that style, but I can't help but think it must be expensive as hell.

  23. I find it so hard to write a wish list because I can't ever remember what I want. In between my birthday and Christmas I'll come up with loads of things, but when November arrives I can't come up with a thing.

    I actually think I don't make enough of an effort, because I, er, prefer sleeping in the morning to grooming myself for an hour like my best friend. Since my hair is naturally curly/wavy it takes way too long to get it to stay the way I want it to. This means I have a hair cut that really low-maintenance, but the fringe still needs flat ironing (I'm actually thinking about letting my fringe grow because of that. I'm that lazy) Since I've got super sensitive skin I only use a minimal amount of concealer (which means it doesn't conceal much at all :LOL:) and mascara. And because of insufficient funds I can never get the clothes I really want. So I think in the end, it ends up a bit half-arsed.

  24. I threatened my dad before Christmas, because this thing I wanted was on sale, it was a third of the usual price, so I told him I would rage in case I didn't get it, because I'd have to get it myself when it was a lot more expensive again.

    I am prone to overdress when I go to school, because since I never go out it's my only chance to dress up. Plus I suppose I'm just like that, what others might consider overdressed I consider me and my style. If I could dress like anyone in the world I'd dress like Gaga so. I'm just like that.

  25. Will do :LOL:

    It's so annoying when something is available, and then when you finally get around to getting it, it's not any more.

    Pretty people, how lovely they are to look at :happy:

    Definitely, and I've worn shoes that are a couple of inches before, so it's won't be completely new to them.

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