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Status Updates posted by Furygirl

  1. Oh, and what I meant to say is that I'm not multi-tasking because I'm just sitting here in the dining room enjoying my new internet. Pretty lame, we're all screen-addicted atm. That's unusual, really.

  2. Hi Nicole! Just in case you haven't seen this yet: http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=6683289&postcount=7288 :stongue:


    Have a great Monday!



  3. You've probably seen this already, but I hadn't. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo9F0XPg4c4 I think it's the hottest thing I've ever seen. Rowr!!

  4. OMG! It's not custom made? Wow. Let's hope he doesn't have the shoes!

  5. Hey, do you think this might be "the book?" http://www.amazon.com/Grunge-Michael-Lavine/dp/081095317X The size looks right, and it's mostly b/w photos. Oddly, a friend of mine had commented on a picture of it on FB. It has Kurt Cobain on the cover and for some reason I thought thought "that's it!" But I could be wrong, could be wrong. lol

  6. I'll admit I was an Adam fan because I like AI. But I wouldn't buy his record. And I certainly don't think he's hot! He's talented, and I like some of the songs he did on the show, but the Starlight version was "hammy" LOL.


    I watched Fuesch's videos. I really don't want to be a complainer, but I'm not digging the platforms, esp. now with the cage things. How many songs are they up there for? If it's just one or two, then okay. I just think it separates them physically and mentally from each other, and the audience. I thought the idea was supposed to be a more "intimate" show (:eyebrows:)

  7. It's a shame about the video! Supermassive disappointment that was! Thanks for the Hamburg vid. I will watch it now. :happy:


    Oh, and I won the "pot" at Bunco. $20! :awesome:

  8. It's some silly dice game that is all luck and no skill. (perfect for me!) But mostly it just involves gossiping and getting drunk. lol. It's like a modern bridge club type thing. They're supposed to show UD premiere on this link that has live streaming. I think it's at 7:55 EST. http://www.viewtv.co.uk/channel4. I'll have to leave in a few minutes, but hopefully it will be in YT later. Toodles!

  9. :D I was never keen on my original user name. I'm going to a neighborhood Bunco game in a little while. :chuckle: I'm officially a suburban housewife! No wait, I don't live in the suburbs. A desperate housewife!
  10. Supposedly this was written b/t BHaR and TR, and some are speculating that this was the Elton Johnesque song that has been mentioned. There's a whole thread under New Releases about the song. I find it odd that Muse didn't see fit to make it a b-side, and instead just having us make do with one of those awful DIOYY remixes. :vomit:

  11. Here's the link to that song, Soaked, as recorded by Muse. It's not bad. Might grow on me. :)



  12. I seem to have alot of technology issues! It's sad, as far as Muse dvds I only have HAARP and of course TR. Luckily ebay refunded my $ for the Abso one even though I'd opened it. Apparently you can program most DVD player remotes to accommodate foreign dvds, but not Panasonics, which is what mine is.


    I may look into getting a new one, like you suggested. Ugh! I also have a DW on the fritz, so I went shopping for that today. It's always something!


    Yeah, I wish I knew what book that was from. I'm surprised no one has said.


    Have a pervect evening (or tomorrow now since it's so late). :LOL:

  13. At least there's not much whining, but I think it's because no one know what the set list even is! But yeah, it's mostly hilarious shenanigans. :LOL:

  14. Oh, that makes sense. The arm seemed a little too "fit." :LOL: Yeah, why do people do that? Guns suck, anyway. I guess I don't have the post-gig blues anymore. The forum definitely helps! I feel like they have to announce US dates pretty soon, so I'm looking forward that. Surely they'll come to your area, don't you think?


    And yeah, we might be out-perved! I can't bring myself to say what I'm really thinking. Kids these days, lol.

  15. Srsly? Damn, you're a multi-tasker. Kiddo's watching a movie. I just rented her 3 dvds since she's sick and all, and hubby's watching football. I really should go unload the dishwasher...

  16. GAH! What a bunch of wankers. Makes me proud to be an American for once, tbh. I'm not even gonna really follow any more of the gigs. It's not fun if there's griping. I only looked a a few of the pages. Even the tags are ugly! It's a shame, really.

  17. Thanks for the link! I saw that one dude had posted a bunch of links from the same person on the Hovet thread. I favorited them all, but I'm not watching until I get my new internet completely set up. Right now it's not wireless yet, so I have to hang out in the dining room if I want to use it.


    Oh, and it's not part of the Clear Network. Here's a link: http://www.clear.com/?CampID=sr3_3978890_go&SR=sr3_3978890_go&gclid=CPvDnsqe2J0CFRwhnAodAy3Psg I think it uses some technology called Wimax which is different from cable or dsl, I think. It's only offered in a few states right now. It's growing pretty popular in GA. I'm sure you'll hear about it soon. I don't know yet that it hangs the moon or anything, but it's an improvement!


    Oh, and fortunately I don't think we're dealing with swine flu, just a cold. So far today she seems like she feels ok, just stuffy and has a cough. No fever yet today. I hope she can go to school tomorrow. A moment ago she was jumping around the room giving me an overview of all the weird dreams she's had!


    Have a nice Sunday! :)

  18. I never even went back to catch up really. I was thinking that Muse would post the setlist on FB, but they didn't yet. I guess they just did it for Helsinki because it was the first one. But yeah, I did hear they opened w/ Overture. I'm still not sure how I feel about them doing it live since they're using a backing track. But I'm sure in person it would be incredible. Matt's voice sounded awesome in the Finland version. I agree, it seems like it'd be hard to start a set singing in that loud falsetto.


    I doubt I'll follow the one tomorrow. I mean, I can't fly the sexy plane for every gig! I guess the ones in the U.S. were more exciting since I live here and all. I just want to get a gist of the setlists and stage set up.


    Oh, I'm definitely switching to Clear! My neighbor has a friend who's a Clear rep, so he came by and dropped off the equipment for me to try. It worked great and I was able to easily watch YT vids! I'm sold! So it was deffos an AT&T problem. Glad that's figured out.


    Well, I just got kiddo in bed a few minutes ago. Poor dear has a nasty cough and a little fever. So now I think I will have a little wine, but not as much as last night.


    Later! :)

  19. Yoga w/ TR could be alternately arousing and relaxing, so do it! Finally got kiddo in bed and I really need to eat dinner. Wasn't hungry earlier (for food, anyway). I've been distracted, lol...

  20. Thanks for asking your son. He's probably still rolling his eyes! :LOL: Well, I'll get it fixed somehow. I have to, because this is my preferred entertainment, rather than TV. I'm thinking of trying the Clear network. Bunches of my neighbors are getting it and seem pleased.


    I just watched Feeling Good on Taratata. Flawless performance! And srsly H-O-T. Good god!

  21. I think I got caught up enough, but I'd love to see a pic of Matt's chicken suit, lol, and I wanna know if they used the "passport pics" that they asked people to send in a few weeks ago. It was for use on the set design somehow. I'm currently letting the Exo vid buffer away so maybe I can watch it in an hour! Grr.... I'm gonna fire AT&T. I've watched parts of the Taratata stuff, but not the part yet about porn, or the game. It's all on YT now, but in several parts, and of course each one takes forever to buffer. I spent forever on downloading the torrent, and after all that I still couldn't view it, even after downloading another "viewer" program. I'm too old for this shit (technology I mean). :LOL:

  22. Yeah, I still can't see it. It's rather annoying. There's no rhyme or reason. With YT at least I can just let it finish buffering and then watch it even if I have to wait 30 minutes. I guess I'll be able to watch the French show tomorrow assuming some wonderful person puts it on YT. :D


    P.S. Thanks for your other messages. :)

  23. I've just seen footage of crazed, screaming fans. Not normal screaming, but like Beatle-mania type stuff. I admit I went through a mild Twilight phase, so I used to be up on the gossip. (Luckily I came to my senses, lol.) He literally can't go anywhere without being mobbed. And I think he has a high number of stalkers. That would really suck. If Matt were in the states, he could probably be here a few days, doing normal every day stuff before anyone even realized who he was! I would love to just run into him at a bookstore or something. Or my bedroom. :LOL: Just kidding! Or am I? :shifty: What am I saying, I'm married for christ'ssake. :facepalm: Ah, well, nothing wrong with having an imagination. :eyebrows:

  24. Yay for "mature" women! :D I guess once you get to be our age, you learn how to smolder instead of self-combust! I hope that none of us would ACTUALLY make fools of ourselves like those crazy Robert Pattinson fans do. :noey:

  25. OMG! I totally LOL'd at that! That pic does make the mind wander... I wish I knew how much lurking they do here. I would think it gets rather boring during traveling. I was daydreaming the other day and imagining getting one of those tees someone designed that have ".mu forum member" on them and a place to put our username, and wearing it to a gig. What if I met Matt and he saw my username and said, "Oh, I recognize that name. You're one of those crazy ladies from the PMT." And then he runs away screaming. :LOL:

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