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About pikakrn

  • Birthday 11/19/1988

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    singing in the shower, listening to music, dancing in my seat
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  1. I read loads of Famous Five and Secret Seven books when I was young! :happy:


    Well a lot of our house is around 100-150 years old, but it also has lots of little older bits too. There's chalk writing on a door in our converted barn counting bales of hay and signed "T. Rose 1801", so we know that it was a farm at least 200 years ago. There was also a trap door covering a priest-hole (for Catholic priests to hide in during the Civil War), so that would be around 1640-50, when maps also name our house 'Rosary Cottage' (rosary beads are Catholic prayer beads). We also have a 12 foot well in our garden, dating from around 1500-1600. Then there are carved stones in our garden from a medieval abbey which had completely disappeared by the first maps, but would have been built at least in the 1400's, and probably even earlier. There are also lots of older foundations under our floorboards, and in various parts of the garden, that relate to buildings which have also completely disappeared by the first maps, so are also probably also medieval, and possibly even relating in some way to the lost abbey! I love our house. :happy:


    Most of Britain (especially the cities) is like that too! Lots of horrible concrete buildings were built quickly in the 1960s, often destroying old buildings. Luckily a lot survived though and is now protected!


    It is indeed the time to travel! Before you have to worry about paying taxes and mortgages. Sadly I don't have enough money to travel this year though. Or the time! I have to write a 20,000 word dissertation over the summer as part of my uni MA course, so will be stuck at uni. :(

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