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Status Updates posted by Nialala

  1. haha Mimi you still go on here?

  2. lennnyyy. i miss youuu

  3. oh thanks dude. you suck more than i do

  4. you're so gaayyy

  5. yeahhh. if you go to the right places lol

  6. UCLA :D

    i ended up going with my two friends to Huntington beach for four days, ohhh it was sooo fun! good times good times.

  7. haha awww how nice!

    umm i dont know yet...i kinda got busted so my mom said if i'm good i can go out. i had 3 things plannes. one friend asked me to go to san siego with them for a week, the other asked me to go to san diego with them for 4 days. and another friend invited me to tour UCLA, watch a baseball game and go to the beach with them and other friends for 2 days. so we'll see.

  8. strressed, i hate hate hate schoool man. one more week and its spring break over hither,

    how was yours?

  9. oh haha i tooootally knew that. so how are you Roy G Biz?

  10. excuse me....are you calling me a pony? lol

  11. yeah lenster! way ta leave me hangin'.


    haha thats not my horse. its my neighbors. im no horse rider. lol. when i sit on their back, i'm like pretty much doing the splits haha not really but yeah.

  12. wow. that is pretty epic i must say. i'm pretty jealous of that dress though. you better watch it, it just might be gone tomorrow lol. cuz i totally know where you live. ;]

    awwwwwww thats weird! opposite season months and seaspn flus! i'm glad yo mama's feelin better! right??

  13. yeah i was just wondering about that! like wheres lennnyyy?!

    yeah treatment.i'm still on it, but whatever. over itttttttttt. lol

    why was your mom in the hospital?!!?!

  14. haha i went through an emo stage too when i was doing treatment. it sucked. weird part is...thats the time i had a lot of guys asking me out. and i was like..WHAT? and i think that set me back into realization. ha.

    ha i'll try not to. i changed my mind. mondays are better than wednesdays. i don't like wednesdays. they can just SUCK IT!

  15. haha you were on the verge of going through an emo stage?! lol

    my list? i don't really know...probably the amount of time i spend on the computer as well. ummm..hoooking up with a guy from NZ and trying to have a long distance relationship with him ha...and falling madly in love with him. FAIL. BIG FAIL umm...i don't know. i can't really think at the moment. its monday....i hate mondays. lol. but when i do think about it. i'll let you know.

  16. hahaha, what else is on your list

    OMG!! you have to see avatar in 3D. its sweeeeeeet as.

    sooo amazing!! i was like at the edge of my seat the whole time

  17. haha, i didn't really talk actually.

    i was so lost. you guys sounded like you were having a good ol time though! ahah

  18. hahahhaa!!! oompa loompa, good one

    nah nevermind. my friend effing canceled on me, how irritating. payed 17 bucks for that damn ticket online and i don't think its refundable.

  19. hahaha maybe you should spray tan! that'd be fun.

    nah i'm seeing it today in 3D...i'm kinda scared cuz the "things" or watever they are look scary haha. but everyone said it was pretty awesome.

  20. oh dude i totally use that too! makes my skin look sexy haha. i don't peel unless i'm in the sun for like a whole day non stop. i just get black as fuck.

    omg have you seen the movie Avatar?!

  21. ahhhhhhhhhhhh, you lucky son of a biscuit you. i wanna tan. actually i'm already tan, but i just want suuuuuuuuuun! its been rainging so effing much here. too many floods its crazy.

    i'm good. busy and tired, but good.

  22. woah, i just realized i never answered you back! i thorry. i was like well why the hell isn't miss lenster answering me backeth?? now i know. how the hell are you?!

  23. umm march?...and this time i'll be ready. fuckin rape that bitch of a test

  24. ahahahaa i never went to take my SATs last saturday. just stayed home and slept. :D

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